Is outdoor... Less then indoor? And why?

Nothing can replace the Sun for plant photosynthesis. Plus the Sun is free and has a built in timer. Indoor or outdoor if done right will be equally good. All I know is my ladies outside are looking really nice
I get 2500 per elbow for indoor. I get 1500 per elbow (if i'm lucky) for outdoor. indoor does'nt have bird shit, leaves, worms (moths), hair, bugs, etc.... My indoor never sits around. I always have outdoor left over for concentrates. Do I think outdoor is worth 1000 or less per elbow? No!! I do think I can tend to and take better care of my indoor which always seems to have better bag appeal. I mostly vape BHO from indoor / outdoor and can' tell the difference (75% or 80% THC?). Indoor / outdoor I'll take em' both!

if you get indoor dialed in (which shouldn't take over a few grow cycles), it will produce finer looking buds than outdoor. Outdoor has that tanned look, tends to have more leaf, and the calyxes seem smaller. I'm not saying indoor is better, I'd much rather be out gardening in the sun any day, but as far as bag appeal, well done indoor takes the cake over mastered outdoor most of the time. And most people pay more for weird looking alien crack nuggets than smooth stony good ole outdoor.
if you get indoor dialed in (which shouldn't take over a few grow cycles), it will produce finer looking buds than outdoor. Outdoor has that tanned look, tends to have more leaf, and the calyxes seem smaller. I'm not saying indoor is better, I'd much rather be out gardening in the sun any day, but as far as bag appeal, well done indoor takes the cake over mastered outdoor most of the time. And most people pay more for weird looking alien crack nuggets than smooth stony good ole outdoor.

I've seen outdoor nugs from my own garden that have amazing bag appeal, but I agree most outdoor doesn't have the most amazing bag appeal compared to indoors.

I can trim it more precisely, but this is just an example of some of my outdoor this year:

I am gonna insist that outdoors in the ground is always gonna be the way to go. I had a catepillar problem this year, which was one of my top three of all (35+) yrs. I had crawlers, knuckle overs, runaways, some stiff bark trunks and two I don`t know what`s. I can`t show results this year, but you wont see green stems in my field. I see too many here, and that`s not good !! Green stems let light through, and that`s not good !!

I`m new to this site, so I`ll sit back, smoke someone else`s product and read. Like most potheads, I get along with everybody, try not to be adverserial, and always willing to learn and share knowlage !!

Go easy on my spell`n,`s the first to go !!
yeah see I had a buddy from chicago move to san burnadeno after growing outdoors in chicago for like 5 years, he said the difference is just phenominal, because of the high UV's and super intense sun summer weather the bud just gets super-strong. that's a pretty good explaination of why the outdoor you've tried there doesn't come close to the indoor, humidity blocks UV rays, UV rays + CO2 are pretty much what trigger trichome production. you got plentty of CO2, not enough UV.
I know what your talking about. I live in the High desert and each time I go down the hill to San Bernardino I see a cloud of smog that most certainly contains gangs of co2. I used to live there. There's no frost worry and you could certainly grow year round. U can keep a tree growing there and will reveg every spring. Cali gets the most uv and uv-b rays in the us that will explain why so cal conditions may differ from a cross the globe. The truth is that plants genetics have been getting better and that's due to its environment that's why the best strains have come from Cali. When you hear humbolt Co. Or emerald triangle grown its because they are known for not only growing the best weed in the world but also breeding the best. Too bad newbees move over there and grow indoor. The best thing anyone that lives in places it's hard to grown in, is to genetically let the weed evolve to withstand its environment so it can take advantage of what the weather has to offer. That's why Cali breed weed is the best the weed could grow year round and never get interrupted by frost dates. Out door has always been best and the best weed has come from outdoors. The best strains were bred outdoors.
^^^ by looking like indoor do u mean it looks better than outdoors is suppose to? which helps prove my point, if it looks better, smells better, tastes better, then its better. everybody always says indoor has more bag appeal but thats it... but wat makes for good bag appeal? how about the lack of sunburn/tan (whatever causes the yellowish/brownish tint to most outdoor), more crystals (since they arent getting knocked off by wind, animals, and such indoors like they are outdoors), indoors is normally better trimmed, thats because it doesnt get as leafy as outdoor usually. umm wat else makes good bag appeal... oh how about no caterpillar shit or mold, which is almost certain outdoors. the sun is great and all but marijuana only processes a small percentage of the spectrum that the sun produces. i honestly dont even see how this subject could be debated. yes there is some fabulous outdoors out there but on average indoors is going to be of higher quality than the average outdoors.
^^^ by looking like indoor do u mean it looks better than outdoors is suppose to? which helps prove my point, if it looks better, smells better, tastes better, then its better. everybody always says indoor has more bag appeal but thats it... but wat makes for good bag appeal? how about the lack of sunburn/tan (whatever causes the yellowish/brownish tint to most outdoor), more crystals (since they arent getting knocked off by wind, animals, and such indoors like they are outdoors), indoors is normally better trimmed, thats because it doesnt get as leafy as outdoor usually. umm wat else makes good bag appeal... oh how about no caterpillar shit or mold, which is almost certain outdoors. the sun is great and all but marijuana only processes a small percentage of the spectrum that the sun produces. i honestly dont even see how this subject could be debated. yes there is some fabulous outdoors out there but on average indoors is going to be of higher quality than the average outdoors.

i would say that color likely comes from the way they dry their buds. usually with commercial growers they have to improvise drying methods in not so ideal drying places.

I dry my bud in a temperature controlled room very insulated with one fan moving the air in the room, I keep the room around 65-75 degrees F.

I've seen many commercial growers bud while it is in the ground and it looks bright green and all sorts of colors just like any other, but after its dried, depending on how they dried and cured it, will likely define that color.

and I don't have /any/ of those problems you listed above for outdoor growers.

what I do have is risk of rain but not hard rain just a couple random light to moderate rains that sometimes hit at the end of september / early october. this year I was able to harvest my buds without /any/ rain on them whatsoever, no animals bumping it no bs like that, very clean.
^^^ by looking like indoor do u mean it looks better than outdoors is suppose to? which helps prove my point, if it looks better, smells better, tastes better, then its better. everybody always says indoor has more bag appeal but thats it... but wat makes for good bag appeal? how about the lack of sunburn/tan (whatever causes the yellowish/brownish tint to most outdoor), more crystals (since they arent getting knocked off by wind, animals, and such indoors like they are outdoors), indoors is normally better trimmed, thats because it doesnt get as leafy as outdoor usually. umm wat else makes good bag appeal... oh how about no caterpillar shit or mold, which is almost certain outdoors. the sun is great and all but marijuana only processes a small percentage of the spectrum that the sun produces. i honestly dont even see how this subject could be debated. yes there is some fabulous outdoors out there but on average indoors is going to be of higher quality than the average outdoors.
Some people say that indoor is more high maitenece, but a Real outdoor grower knows how to tackle obstacles that stereotype the out door look sun burn dust flyin and even insects get filtered in my screen house smell leaf growth genetics my plant will smell for blocks away at night. So the fact that a shitty grow opperation gone bad has no bad appeal doesn't and shouldn't give the term outdoor grow a bad wrapp. Higher levels of co2 higher levels of uv and uvb. Knowing how to grow outdoors is an art and the best breeders in the world playground. Anyone else try's there hardest to replicate sunny California's smog co2 infested inviroment. We get so much light here that I shade it with screens. Remember a good indoor grower has to replicate the outdoor conditions to be a successfull grower so how can indoor grow opperation be more when my system blocks wind dust bugs and shades an overwhelming amount of uv UVB rays. so there's really no aurgument other than people ego flying and supper grower taking credit for natures rythim
well first of all maria im from california... second of all we do not have higher levels of co2 here than what u can achieve indoors. co2 levels are somewhere around 300ppm outside when a plant can process up to 1500ppm. yes we have a lot of smog but our co2 levels on earth are still half of what they once were. plants can process much more co2 than mother nature can provide by herself.
and for the record i never said outdoor cant have good bag appeal... a bunch of people are saying that indoors has better bag appeal but that outdoor is still better. all i was doing was stating wat makes bud have good bag appeal. and the things that make for a better bag appeal make for a better weed, IMO. u must not have read this whole thread or u wouldve known that i am also in cali and u wouldnt have had to try to convince me that we get great sunlight. if ur from cali tho u should probably have recognized the 916 in my user name, thats a dead give away.
I have had the pleasure of smoking outdoor cannabis that made realize this plants potential on a local reservation near where i live. I have had indoor that was just as good however, i have never seen anything inside get to the color's and smells that ive seen under mother nature's lamp! Something about that sun we just cant get inside. Just an opinion by the way. Plus what would the world be like if all we could grow was indoors or outdoors? I think variety is the spice of life!

DocsOG kushy goodness!.jpg
rain, wind, bugs, mold, disease, deer, rabbits. outdoor takes a beating

I only have 2 of those issues, wind and rain, and barely any rain at that, my buds didn't get rained on once this year, light wind and I grow in a wind sheltered area.... I don't fuck around with my outdoor, if someone wants to obtain some of my cannabis I make them very aware they are buying connoisseur bud, nothing less.

tahoe og kush

pre98 bubba kush x tahoe og (pre98 pheno)
I grow outdoor as the lord intended... yet I read that indoor is SOOOOOO much better.. and seen specs say soo too..

granted outdoor vs indoor has advantages... and vice versa..

I have seen the prices higher on indoor.. over out.. is this due to the control and money spent into the grow vs the light nature gives us...
or is it hype?

In Cali it doesn't matter if it is outdoor or indoor just the quality because everyone says there outdoor is indoor and everyone that buys weed just thinks indoor is good when in fact indoor is just imitating what outdoor can do.
In Cali it doesn't matter if it is outdoor or indoor just the quality because everyone says there outdoor is indoor and everyone that buys weed just thinks indoor is good when in fact indoor is just imitating what outdoor can do.

Most #SHITY# growers grow outside, because they suck so bad if they did indoor they would loss a lot of money. That is the main reason why indoor is better because better growers grow indoor and new growers grow outside usually.

Pricing weed whether its indoor or outdoor is ignorance and I don't sell/donate to people like that. Over 37% of USA smokes pot daily if your weeds good it sells if its bad it will not sell.
Most #SHITY# growers grow outside, because they suck so bad if they did indoor they would loss a lot of money. That is the main reason why indoor is better because better growers grow indoor and new growers grow outside usually.

Pricing weed whether its indoor or outdoor is ignorance and I don't sell/donate to people like that. Over 37% of USA smokes pot daily if your weeds good it sells if its bad it will not sell.

Unless your using +40,000 lumes per square inch indoor then your weed can never be better then outdoor.

I have yet to find an indoor grown organic or hydro better then my outdoor. My outdoor sells if I want it to, but I smoke +3pounds a year and my girlfriend smoke +5pounds a year.

Most good outdoor growers like myself grow only for themselves.
