Is PAR/PPFD cumulative when using multiple lights on same area?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks. Have a HPS and CMH under the same reflector covering a 3X3.
When doing this how is PAR/PPFD figured?
Do you add together each lights tested output?

I.E.....Say HPS reads 300 by itself and same with CMH.
Does that mean you would have 600 PAR if the lights were placed together in this fashion?

Not rich. Can't afford a PAR meter atm :)

Help please!
What is the wattage of the 2 lights?
250 hps, 400, hps, 600 hps? 315 cmh?
Any pics of light? How close together are the lamps ?
Since both lamps are clearly not emitting the light from the same arc tube, your spot ppfd reading may not double like that but it will surely increase and you are definitely cumulatively adding to the total ppf for the space. Plus getting a fantastic spectrum :peace:
What is the wattage of the 2 lights?
250 hps, 400, hps, 600 hps? 315 cmh?
Any pics of light? How close together are the lamps ?
315w CMH+600w HPS/MH.
Reflector is 24"X9"X9"

Thinking of upgrading reflector to this next weekend...adding the CMH at opposite end...this is 36"X32"ish...|G|Base|D27L|27-15_COMMERCIAL_&_INDUSTRIAL|NA|PLA|CommercialLighting|71700000052665286|58700005047601696|92700048545732754&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrMHsBRCIARIsAFgSeI1KWem0kJqgYnW5kcPW94gwzRys7uIuuY8Qg3x3klovsEJ445wu5GAaAof2EALw_wcB
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Wherever the light "cones" overlap you will have a sum of both lights output. Angles of incidence will vary.
Really you don't need to overthink it. just total the wattage, run 50 - 60 watts per sqft and call it done.
With everything cranked up I can run 100-122w/per sq. ft. Yay overkill!...