The best thing about rain water or RO-water compared to tap water is that it does not contain sodium-chloride. Tap usually contains lot of it and that builds up in the pots at first, because - well it is a nutrition for plants, they need both, sodium and chloride - BUT the demand for EACH is ultralow

, on the other hand they raise salinity greatly, it's fucking table salt.... too much of them and you have the so called "lockout", its gone too salty, cant access anything anymore..... if you add up fertilzers like wormcast or cow-dung to refresh the soil... theres enough sodium-chloride.... you dont need the extra from the tap. It's good for the pipes and we humans are not so sensitivee to it in "smaller" doses.... but think about it. My tap here contains about 1g of tablesalt per 10L... 100mg NaCL per L... im not a fucking laundry mashine, but my kidneys just flush it out.

. Sounds funny, but my fucking budgy died from it!

Kidneystones... Fuck, my organic soil doesn't like drain..... thats why I NEED the RO from the reverse-osmosis membrane! I have no garden to collect my dirty big city rain water.. so thats the best way of keeping NaCl and pulltants out.... It's not a complicated tech.... these RO-membranes are great! Worth investing!
Also for yourself... for your body physysiology it is best to train your gut to absorb nutes from the food, not from the water.... the minerals from the tap are no real "aid" to your nutrition.... water is the media your body uses to flush out too much of anything....but your body is very good with the retention of minerals... it keeps what it needs to keep, you dont lose what you are low on. In fact low TDS water, like from a high mountain river, is the best to drink... if you dont believe me... ask someone from the NAVY....

They drink the destilled, the fully desalted (VE), what is said to "suck your minerals dry"... thats BS...
eat well, serve your nutrition and minerals by food, and you dont have any problem but very good working organs because the clean water is very good at enabling your kidneys to clean any shit out propperly.

No shit dude, thats how it works! Just keep the membrane clean from any bacterias from time to time, desinfect them, change the stuff when its meant to be changed, regularly, and the drinking water is perfect, same for the plants.