Is RIU a non-profit?


New Member
i don't know...i just thought for some reason i had heard it was a non-profit. maybe i am just imagining it. i'm sure they make money from ads and stuff...but it costs a lot of money to maintain the network and the servers plus all the software upgrades. i know what a "non-profit" is i was just trying to figure out if RIU was one.
They used to have affiliate links to the attitude, and big bud, but it looks as if they don't have those any more... There aren't any adverts anymore, and i can't see any 'money making schemes on the site', so i guess it really is a non profit organization.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
It's a not-for-profit... I'm sure any money they get from ads go straight to bandwith.. Server bandwith costs money!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
the like button buys medicine for the lepers to.... so come on people.... use the like button!

just today alone we helped a small village


i thought i read somewhere that RIU was a non-profit organization. anyone know?
From what i've heard through the grapevine, RIU makes there money by employing loads of tiny dwarf sized midgets to burrow underground outdoor harvests and steal the crops!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
From what i've heard through the grapevine, RIU makes there money by employing loads of tiny dwarf sized midgets to burrow underground outdoor harvests and steal the crops!
there not all midgets.... some are the malnourished children from the villages ... they come work for RIU after , but im pretty sure there payed in nourishment only.