Is Root Riot good for starting seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

Just a quick question or 2. Hasw anyone used Root Riot for seeds or just sprouted seeds? What did you think of it? I just got a rrot riot set up tray and am not sure if i should use it or not.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Yes Root Riot will work. There is no reason why it shouldn't. Aerogardens now use a similar thingie, and I have started garden seeds in it.

One tip... Tweezers come in handy for picking up the seed, and inserting into the hole. And if your growing different strains... dont forget to make a "MAP" so you know which ones are which.


Active Member
these things are awesome! I dont like germing in paper towel b/c mother nature doesnt need it so i put my 12 seeds in root riot cubes and in 3 days they all had germed and popped and are now 4ft tall so yea they are pretty good man.


Active Member
these things are awesome! I dont like germing in paper towel b/c mother nature doesnt need it so i put my 12 seeds in root riot cubes and in 3 days they all had germed and popped and are now 4ft tall so yea they are pretty good man.
I also use Root Riot cubes and I am 100% satisfied. may never use another method.


Active Member
riots are the best m8 i use them all the time i dont worry about all that tissue stuff i just put seed in place in area where its about 80 degrees in propagator 2-3 day later theres your new offspring so to speak but yes personally riots are the best for me


I've used riot and rapid rooters .... but I germ in a napkin laid in the dome over
heat pad. Once tapp root pops I drop em into a rapid rooter or root riot. :leaf:

99.9% w/ cuttings and 90.0% with seeds. I go to hydro or soil w/ them too.



Well-Known Member
i use root riots for my clones and they work great, and for my seedlings i used rockwool. Not because it was better, but because its what i had. i would have used the root riots for sure if i had had them.


The seed is programmed to send the tap root out and up and then down. The simple reason behind this (for those of you who believe in evolution) is that if a female plant drops hundreds of seeds, which is normal, then only the strongest survive. The catch-22 here is that the strongest seeds also have the strongest shell. So only the strongest of the strong make it. When the tap root is forced to grow up a bit and then down to take root, the shell of the seed is then in the position where the action and friction of the seed shell being pushed up through the soil help to break the shell open and then fall off. This approach allows the seedling to take advantage of leverage to get the shell off.

If the seed is planted with the pointed end down, then as it makes its way up through the soil, the action of pushing through the soil actually pushes the seed closed, and then once the seed shell breaks the surface, the last bit of energy your new seedling has must OMPH open the husk.

A seed trying to push open from the inside is like a small person trying to push a heavy door open from the middle of the door, rather than pulling it open with a handle mounted near the outside edge of the door.

In nature, if you drop a bucketful of cannbis seeds from a plant, more than 50% of them will land with the big end down and little end up - due to the laws of physics.

The preferred natural way for a cannabis seed to sprout is tip end/tap root end, oriented up.