Is selling really that profitable?

Joint Op, I cant fuck with you...

"u gotta give customers a REASON TO STAY.. beyond QUALITY. quality can only keep someone for so long.. before someone else grows better nugs or gets a better strain.. or watever."...

Really? I embrace any an all you think cannabis cups work???
Its my mission as a grower to grow FIRE not cut Deals & take shorts on a oz.
Coke & Pepsi my dude...

Its wasnt a knocked his bonk weed outta the box.
Like you was suppose too...FYM?

"i tried to tell him.. if you dont start giving me better deals so i can make money off the weed im selling.. im a go elsewere or grow it myself. and he was like you.. fuck you .. my bud. my quality.. my prices.. fuck off go smoke garbage.. 3 months later.. hes calling me. hey man i got fire.. you need.. ill drop prices.. .. nopeeee.. sorry bro.. i got 8 lbs of fire.. and selling for half the prices you do . so see ya later.."

Stop my dude, just stop...You over here looking hella dumb.
If you had better QUALITY than your boy, Why undercut Yourself & lose profit??
WTF? Thats the type of fake ass hustle thats KILLING the market.

You undercut this fool..& force real growers to knock down a price that the market was willing to bear.
so now...the other growers drop the price to knock you out the box...
& the cycle repeats,,
until the price is so fucking low that no one can afford to produce.

according to you im suppose to risk 500 plants to make up for a bunch of half ass growers trying to under cut
im way good on that one broski
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In certain cities prices on the east coast fluctuates wildly but I'd say you're pretty accurate. Zips can definitely be had for less than 300 tho. Don't knock us on the east for not having those beautiful Cali connects.
I would pay 200oz in south Texas nothing crazy though just high fast yielding for profit purely kinda bud is: Train wreck, big bud,green crack seems to be every where I go?.!,and tons of sour diesel but I don't live in a legal state as for all I new could have been a smart "shithead" who used some bag seed or even worse Mexico dirt weed seeds just finished the process and letting it mature .. Or however that's done? Hell I'm just a barre what do I know but it would definitely be awesome to let it be allowed decriminalized,medical, recreational hell I apply to all cases to where I wouldn't get in trouble and if you are looking to make money from illegally.. use your imagination at least I mean hell using misdirection and attention to detail are two great ways to help ya stay out of the silver bracelets..but again what do I know or care I appreciate some of those few that take the risk illegally because lets face it I gotta get and i still learning to grow but I will not support gangs,government medicine , or actual drugs..on that note come on and get over the prohibition already and also if using money to support family,health,education,community then I'm all for it.. Nothing hurts improvements just don't need the tvs all over car to show that your a drug dealer the wad of small bills in rubber bands... U mean to tell me that's the way you would conduct and present if it was legal? Think not a smart business man don't need to flash his money it stays in a safe or bank till time and place is needs for as well as any weapon! They not for show and tell the do two things protect and kill that's it so don't be surprised if you ruin life crying I didn't mean to.. We all know what they do.. Do don't try and pull it scare be cause your scared to business legally or at least properly.. sorry for the rant just hate drug dealers..not the people revolting against there rights hut actually drug dealers the tips were to perhaps help a few revolting
legal business owners sell 20 dollar points
their business model is different but the economics are the same.
i dont support anyone or anything but my search for personal truth.

people love me for everything i stand for.
& I stand for giving people my absolute best...even at my worse.
i came from a source of people that made $10 on a .2
& they never got caught

on that note im done with this type of thread forever.

I agree with gods work there if I understood correctly.. I would also wheel and deal among close friends and family members in need when I was buying bulk.. But for me in my case though often barter.. I know I could have sold it 10/15 g all-day and cut out the 20-25ers *gansters,drug dealers* but then I wouldn't be better than any them there's nothing wrong with making money with supplies if you have the knowledge and skills to do so.. That's why painting isn't illegal but artists as well as majority of growers probably not going to have a domestic violence call to the house or loud partys.. The people who usually create or do any kind of real money making transactions are gonna be a lot more civil,aware,smart and know what they are doing.. I used to barter alot figured if a buddys a mechanic I needed a tune up say 300$ depending on my strain collection at time id find one that allowed the tune uo tonlay for itself out of the initial investment.. Doubling up on inventory never hurt either.. Just saying been times when it goes dry occasionally.. At least where I'm at.. Times suck but its always better to have your own and not out spending money on the ones over taxing some kb to hit a quick lick..longevity will out due quality in my opinion as well..i would like to make I never minded making only 50$ off a oz when I'm helping out friends 15-20 times a week.. It would do ss needed and nothing more If so invest it or something to better your self and safely not to mention a way of showing how your income is made.. Don't be dumb play chess not checkers when it comes to situations with life/death situations..or you or your family's freedom.. I apologize if not correct on agreeing with you gods work.. But this is just my own opinion lol I think we were on the same page though
nah god work noone else man.. the dude sellin lbs for over 6gs. lol. 10$ for .2..

talk about a GREAT DRUG DEALER... even the hispanics and blacks know.. QUALITY and PRICE = COMING BACK FOR LIFE.
i wasnt saying what your doing is wrong but eventually it will end.. and you will be dropping your prices.. dont matter how good it is.. we ALL KNOW THIS. especially the people that been growing longer. ive seen prices go down from 400 a zip to 250 for same quality. and its not because the growers want cheaper.. its because in order to continue in this business world . you need to stay with everyone else..

just like everything else in business.. if your selling your product for 1$ and someone else is selling the exact same thing. or super close at 10$.. people will go elsewere .. just like nutes. soil. everything.. if your hydrostore guys sells bags of ocean forest for 20.. and u find a garden center selling for 10.. u going to go to the hydro store guy? or ? very simple.
Haha or how McDonalds hamburgers were 3.99 but now all sorts of shit on the dollar menu... I don't know who I was agreeing with anymore I'm all mixed up with names today.but who ever said dropping over time is correct "in my opinion" not that it matters in just the new guy..
20 dollar points what are they selling meth
Lmao to funny^^ I'm on mixed sides agreeing with aspects with both.. I know for fact as well as most in world know that Cali has some pretty impressive landscaping and I also know I've tried some killer as cannabis there my two top from n.Cali have to be *raspberry kush* not r.cough but is made from it which I believe can lead ya to blackberry..but 2nd *ghost og* which I believe came from mysterious Casper og I believe? hell I don't know anything im just a bartender.. But I do know if I ever take a trip back I'd pay meth price lol? That's hilarious but the. Bud is dank as hell from that location and I would pay top dollar for those 2 quality with that being said though im not saying negative or positive on locations but my theory if its growing indoor first of all what difference does it possibly make? I believe skill and experience would be the factor there if ya wanna grow like them learn from them.. Wanna be better than them watch what they are doing take notes if offer go home put in the time to learn..then show ya want to be better.. Only you control your plants im learning hell my entire batch pretty much died.. I'm on 2nd now though this time dwc instead of soil..but i will improve.. In time.. As for as the outdoor growing.. Risk and reward in my eyes.. gotta use big bait to catch a big shark.. But i really don't know what other factors circumstances..hell im sure there plenty things better to phrase or correct on my thoughts.. Like i said im just a newbie ✌
That's crazy.. But however I'm not in it for money I just like to to relax and smoke a joint or so but it was life changing and knowledgeable when i was younger.. But gotta kiddo now.. reward doesn't out way the risk with the way alot of immature people react sometimes.. To many want what ya got instead if getting there own or own version of something they eliminate competition and turn you in for dealing.. rob your ass..kill/ injure severely.. Depending your status id depending the way it can be removed just as easily haha it only takes one call.. Or if in legal areas crossing boundaries you shouldn't only takes one bullet... Its close enough I can be patient.. Besides i was smart as a youngster made some stock investments and what not.. Couple grand here and there isn't gonna effect my lifestyle one bit like i said risk now isn't worth the reward... Check mate
If it wasn't profitable then ppl wouldn't do it...also if you don't have buy it off the streets then imo saving that money is profitable.
ya I was tryin to offend anyone.. or start a fight or anything.. just trying to be true to the situation....

anyone knows.. those prices last only so long.. and when you are running your own grow.. if your grow isn't efficient enough.. then when the time comes.. your grow wont be pulling in big profits..
When I was selling, I was paying roughly $280/oZ (28.3grams).

I was weighing up at 0.7grams for $10.

So, if I sell only $10 bags which is never the case, so it won't take that long to sell an Oz.

28.3 / 0.7 = 40 $10 bags = $400, profit of $120.

And as you start to sell to more people, who buy higher amounts, you gradually start increasing your customers, just like anything being sold, you need to build up your clientele.

I am from Australia so it may differ ALOT wherever you are from, so no hate :)

Thanks :)
you sell $10 bags hehe
When I was selling, I was paying roughly $280/oZ (28.3grams).

I was weighing up at 0.7grams for $10.

So, if I sell only $10 bags which is never the case, so it won't take that long to sell an Oz.

28.3 / 0.7 = 40 $10 bags = $400, profit of $120.

And as you start to sell to more people, who buy higher amounts, you gradually start increasing your customers, just like anything being sold, you need to build up your clientele.

I am from Australia so it may differ ALOT wherever you are from, so no hate :)

Thanks :)
Wow dude, around here we only see prices, and math, like that with schnazzleberry.
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