Is selling really that profitable?

thers big ass money in weed... u just gotta hurry up and make it before all the states go medical... flooded markets suck... in cali I can get apound of high grade indoor kush for 2200-2400

Even at that, I bet the dude who grew that pound, got good coin for doing so. :)

Flooded markets do suck, good thing just about everybody and there brother tokes up hahaha, for some I know buying weed is about as important to them as buying food and putting gas in there cars. Honestly, I'm just starting out basically and plan on both smoking and selling what i don't need, which ill have way more than i need, having never been a big smoker, I'm trying to make the switch from alcohol to grass, mostly for pain management and just relax after work kinda shit.

So that means, no nightly trip to liquor store, no hang overs, no head aches, no run down feeling, no organ damage lol. win/win... Plus it will be free for me.
ephedra seeds?

I believe he was just kidding, hoping someone would fall for that... lmfao

Meth is virtually all chemical's, there is no seed to nothing. Just a lot of highly flammable ingredients being combined and cooked. I know this because I had a meth cook as a bunkie in jail for a month. I use to ask him to describe the process of manufacturing it to me at night, cause it would put me out in like 5 mins flat... I also am a breaking bad fan. hahaha

note, i have never tried crystal meth, but have done lots of amphetamines (on some now, they make me productive), and also dabbled with cocaine once or twice. I dont feel the need to even try that shit because of what ive seen people go through, though many could say the same about cocaine, but for me, its not addictive. All things in moderation people. :)
no, I realise he was kidding, lol, but I do believe that you can grow ephedra from seed, and extract the ephedrine which obviously is a precursor to methamphetamine. I love Breaking Bad too, best show eva.
Shit I already dropped money on equipment and just spent more last night on nutes and another bulb for backup. In general, how long does it take you to unload your harvest?

It could be gone before its done. I usually play it out over a month. Thats after a week dry and 2 in the jar.
on the east coast you can get 350 an ounce all day long so 4800 a pound if you can average 2 to 3pounds per grow thats 14400 every 2 to 3 months thats 57600 a year plus if you work that sounds good to me and all the free weed you will ever need
on the east coast you can get 350 an ounce all day long so 4800 a pound if you can average 2 to 3pounds per grow thats 14400 every 2 to 3 months thats 57600 a year plus if you work that sounds good to me and all the free weed you will ever need

I doubt that many would or are spending $350 for an oz... I asked a buddy of mine how much an oz was going for, and he told me $100-$120... That's not shit for 3-4 months of work and cost..
I doubt that many would or are spending $350 for an oz... I asked a buddy of mine how much an oz was going for, and he told me $100-$120... That's not shit for 3-4 months of work and cost..

i he ment half an oz is around 100
yeah where the fuck he lives at but im telling you facts in delaware its 350 an ounce for heady if you want dirt you can get that shit for 35 quarter 120 an ounce but its straight dirty brown mad stems and seeds and taste like grass off ur front lawn but for headies that shit goes so fast for 20a gram
i he ment half an oz is around 100

yeah where the fuck he lives at but im telling you facts in delaware its 350 an ounce for heady if you want dirt you can get that shit for 35 quarter 120 an ounce but its straight dirty brown mad stems and seeds and taste like grass off ur front lawn but for headies that shit goes so fast for 20a gram

I thought that sounded extremely low...
That question is funny af, of course it's extremely profitable. If not why would anyone sell. Saying from experience, if you don't get caught it's worth it.
yeah where the fuck he lives at but im telling you facts in delaware its 350 an ounce for heady if you want dirt you can get that shit for 35 quarter 120 an ounce but its straight dirty brown mad stems and seeds and taste like grass off ur front lawn but for headies that shit goes so fast for 20a gram
Lived in PA, this guy is all truth. $350 a sack for the good shit ("headies", exotics). Here in Canada it's $220 for the good shit, but exotics are hard to find. And yeah if you have a real good source you can grab a sack of crap for $120, but more often about $150 is going PA price for mids. EDIT: I should add that I was amazed to talk recently to a friend of mine that moved out to Jersey Shore area, he's living in a beach house smoking on good and selling to beach goers, bragging about a guy who he buys "the best" from for $4-5K... 4-5K to SELL... I can't even wrap my mind around the economy there. He used to make $90K a year in the fitness and health industry, so if he can live the lifestyle to which he's accustomed while suffering that kind of overhead, then people really, really like this product.
Lived in PA, this guy is all truth. $350 a sack for the good shit ("headies", exotics). Here in Canada it's $220 for the good shit, but exotics are hard to find. And yeah if you have a real good source you can grab a sack of crap for $120, but more often about $150 is going PA price for mids. EDIT: I should add that I was amazed to talk recently to a friend of mine that moved out to Jersey Shore area, he's living in a beach house smoking on good and selling to beach goers, bragging about a guy who he buys "the best" from for $4-5K... 4-5K to SELL... I can't even wrap my mind around the economy there. He used to make $90K a year in the fitness and health industry, so if he can live the lifestyle to which he's accustomed while suffering that kind of overhead, then people really, really like this product.

Well we'll see in a couple of months how much I get and how long it took for me to dump it.
Let me put it this way, my next harvest from my primary system will be roughly three pounds, Ima freezer cure it and then two weeks later let my people know it's on the market, and it will be gone within a week or two for $3K a pop without me ever even speaking to a "customer".
If you're in a flooded market area it can be tougher but you adjust your price for your needs, if I wasn't in a rush I'd sell for 3.5K or more but it's faster, plus with below market prices I ensure that my "customers" (really just non-drug-dealing entrepreneurial friends of mine) are always waiting for my next harvest so they can make a couple grand in fast extra cash working with me. Adjust for your market and your needs and you'll be golden, it's always a seller's market. Also I do the same as you do, pretending to be the middleman. I get my stuff from a "reservation" ;-)