If your selling it then why would they raid your house? Cops can care less about a grow light if it was 30 grow lights now your raising eyebrows I've sold so many things related to growing no problem just make sure everything is clean and no resin content is on thereI'm always paranoid the cops are gona raid my house after I meet somebody to see the equipment. Not exactly hard to trace my license plate even tho i would meet em in a public place
I've gotten some sketchy email replies from craigslist.
If your selling it then why would they raid your house? Cops can care less about a grow light if it was 30 grow lights now your raising eyebrows I've sold so many things related to growing no problem
I hear that I wouldn't worryIdk. This is a small town and the cops around here think they are detectives so they go crazy if they think they've got a case. Bunch of retarded rednecks
unless u need the scratch why sell gear,better off storing it because soon as u sell u will blow a ballast,a pump,res explode etc
id be much more worried about getting ripped off by some sketchy dude buying gear off craigslist.I'm always paranoid the cops are gona raid my house after I meet somebody to see the equipment. Not exactly hard to trace my license plate even tho i would meet em in a public place
I've gotten some sketchy email replies from craigslist.
id be much more worried about getting ripped off by some sketchy dude buying gear off craigslist.
lol what? I'm not growing anymore. Just trying to clean out so I can move
If not actively growing sell it , but small towns are the shit for info spreading that might not be what you want out there keep that in mind .
a seed gets planted in small minds & then yer driving home & the heat clicks on it pulls u over .
If they raided u for selling grow lights. I would sue the shut out of them. I start my garden every year with 1200w of grow lights, lmao
Wal-Mart won't save you from getting jacked.I aint gona get ripped off in the front of a Walmart parking lot. with 500 people walking by every 2 seconds. I'm not dumb enough to meet some of these creeps @ midnight in back of a 711 or w/e
Wal-Mart won't save you from getting jacked.
Sell it to someone you know. Everybody loves tomatoes. Lol.
Donate it then write it off on taxes. If your nervous
shit I've had great luck with parking lot deals,never a single problem except once over a necklace,seeing magnum loads sticking out the cylinder of a 357 makes the 9mm thugs think twice b4 pulling their toy popper out lolI aint gona get ripped off in the front of a Walmart parking lot. with 500 people walking by every 2 seconds. I'm not dumb enough to meet some of these creeps @ midnight in back of a 711 or w/e