Is she "droopy"? +REP


Active Member
nahh man if it was drooping the branches will droop down and the leaves will be hitting the soil.
hang on and i'll get ya pic of one of mine that got waterlogged n drooped n died


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're fine. How often are you watering it? and have your recently transplanted it into a bigger pot?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look bad but it definitely looks like its on its way to being waterlogged. I'd let that sucker dry out for a day or so. You want your leaves reaching for the light not dragging the dirt.

Put a fan on it, that will help.


Active Member
it was more the soil i was using tha anything i reckon, plus way too transplant, but after it died the soil was soaking.
plants that small i wouldn't go over maybe 60/80mls per watering, half a cup aprx


New Member
Your paranoid :D Don´t want the rep....

She looks fine, have 10day seedlings some smaller, and some bigger than yours. Some more droopy, and others more "fresh than your". It´s within normal on the healthier side....


Active Member
There is a fan on it, and the soil doesnt get moist past 2 and half inches so I tent to try and put as much water as I can in there when I do which is every other day, then I wait until it dries out and put some more in. I transplanted it a day and a half ago into a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
There is a fan on it, and the soil doeasnt get moist past 2 and half inches so I tent to try and put as much water as I can in there when I do which is every other day, then I wait until it dries out and put some more in. I transplanted it a day and a half ago into a bigger pot.
You should be watering the whole pot. Partial waterings tend to lead to overwatering as the lower dirt is always more moist than you think. Not only that partial watering builds up salts at the water line. Flood the pot then wait several days. One watering a week is usually fine with babies.


Active Member
too early with the transplant, just leave it alone for a while n it will be fine.

less is more kno mean


Active Member
every other day is way too much for such a small root mass..just water nice and heavy once evry 4-5 days..u want it totaly waterlogged when u water and let it completly dry out before u water again,they like wet to dry wet to dry. not wet to damp to wet again.goodluck


New Member
Give her less, let her stimulate the roots a bit, at the moment the rootsystem doesn´t drink alot, mist her on her leafes once in a while, keep the soil humid, not wet, if she had a lot of roots when transplanted let her rest in shade for a day so roots will "search", and it would also benefit her to let soil dry completely so that she will strech her roots for water.

They need humidity at this stage, and yes, they are the same in chemistry, but what she doesn´t need now is too much water (you probably knew all of it, but hey, it´s a newbieforum ;) ).