Is she ok?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
watch your temperatures. Is it cold in there?

Don't over water. Allow your media to go nearly dry before watering again. Always get some run off.

lisa L

Leaf curl looks a bit like you might be drowning a tiny bit. (as above) It's hard to see if your stem is brown or a reddish hue. Is that temperature constant, or does it drop at anytime?

Things do look a tiny bit lenky though, move your light closer?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
my little youngin's stem was purple untill i got out of the seedling stage and it turned bright green. Arent all stems purple when they come out of the ground?

lisa L

All dead!?--Did you change anything at all recently? Now I wanna know why. What media, water, any nuts yet? Details might help us figure out what went wrong.

sorry dude.


Well-Known Member
for seedlings u dont want it that wet or the roots will go nowhere but i cant really see if its too wet or not. also use warmer water