Is she ready to harvest?

Hi, first grow, bagseed, it has been 51 days in 12/12 light, and I am wondering how close to done she is. For some reason I can never tell,though I have stared and stared at her. My gut is she is geting close, but I am worried because the lower buds don't seem as developed as the top ones. Anyhow, here are pics, please help me gauge when to chop!


Thanks for all the help, everything I know about gardening I learned from here,


Active Member
the lower buds will never be as done as the top ones. this has as much to do with the physical attributes of a plant as it does with the relative distance to the light source.

you will have to make the call on a grow by grow basis when you want to harvest, you might want to take it when the very top buds finish and have all the lower ones a little pre-me, or you may want to let the colas get a little more amber and focus your timing on the buds a few inches lower. Its totally your call.

grats on your first grow, i hope its smooth sailing from here out.


Well-Known Member
51 days from 12/12 or 51 days from flower? I usually go 70 days total flower... however get a microfine glass and look at the triacomes. wait til they are about half cloudy half amber that is the real way to know for sure.. just don't harvest before the last "plump"

I'd say 2.5 more weeks


Well-Known Member
IMHO, you have a good 4 to 5 weeks left. Don't rush it, those few extra weeks ( as long as your trichs aren't degrading on you ) can mean a better yield. Patience truly is a virtue.


Well-Known Member
just make sure you don't over ripen

oh dude just saw the micro pic of it.. those triachomes still look clear


Active Member
Definitely not ready... Wait 2 weeks and post more pics then ask again... It should have 75% of the trichomes an amber color before harvesting...


Well-Known Member
did that with my almost ready to harvest bitches.

Was very good. Once again I (with some help from the large 5 fingered one in the sky, get the simpson's reference there??) have produced some great stuff that makes me happy.


just clip some lower buds off.. fast dry and get high!


Well-Known Member
Getting close. When the red pistils outnumber the white ones that when I start checking the tris every day.

Was this 12/12 from seed? Sorry to be hatin' but I have bigger plants at 20 days of veg.
Well its my first time and I made every mistake in the book. Almost killed them when switching over to 12/12 due to lighting inadequacies. She is a spunky survivor I tell you what, and the veg'ing clone I took of her, whom I call Alphagirl, is already bigger and bushier.

I snipped the lowermost bud, got 3 grams after quick drying, and got high as hell, and again, and again. Woot.

So my quick dry method was to snip a bud and put it on a pie pan with the oven on its lowest setting (170 degrees.) After 10 minutes,I snip off all the leaves from the bud and smoke 'em while the bud cooks for another 15. Seems to work ok (see high as hell note) but I was wonderin' what other methods there are for QUICK drying. Emphasis on the ghetto-hedonistic no-time-to-wait aspect.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
My quick dry - Paper bag, oven, 140F.
That way you can't burn your weed, just really really over dry it if you go out and forget it's in the oven.:wall:
Wow 4 weeks from today would put the total flowering time at 80 days! That is over 11 weeks. But they didn't show their sex until day 14 or so of 12/12 lighting so if you go by that, then it is still 66 days or 9.5 weeks. Kinda long time to bloom isn't it?


Well-Known Member
All of the hairs I could see in the first pic were not only white, but were sticking right out like they were still fresh. Unless it's a strain which keeps showing white hairs right through to the end I think it's got a long way to go yet. If it takes a week for them to stop forming, then another week to start to brown-off and retract, then it'll be time to harvest in about a week or two more (2 max tho hopefully of course!). That was what I based it on...I could easily be wrong, and will be happy for you if I am :)
All of the hairs I could see in the first pic were not only white, but were sticking right out like they were still fresh. Unless it's a strain which keeps showing white hairs right through to the end I think it's got a long way to go yet. If it takes a week for them to stop forming, then another week to start to brown-off and retract, then it'll be time to harvest in about a week or two more (2 max tho hopefully of course!). That was what I based it on...I could easily be wrong, and will be happy for you if I am :)
Every little bit of advice helps me form a more complete opinion, so thanks. Unfortunately I don't know the strain, other than it most likely came from mexican brick seeds. I got my jewelers lens checking the little crystal mushrooms every day and as soon as I see amber, I am chopping. So far they are all clear and sparkly.

Oh and I like the idea of quick-drying in a paper bag. The extra layer of protections sounds helpful.