Is she ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
Well its my first time and I made every mistake in the book. Almost killed them when switching over to 12/12 due to lighting inadequacies. She is a spunky survivor I tell you what, and the veg'ing clone I took of her, whom I call Alphagirl, is already bigger and bushier.

Awesome! Hey at least your first grow made it this far, I killed my first 7 seedlings (didn't know my lights were too close).
I just chopped it. There were 10-20 percent amber trichomes on the top buds, so I flipped out and put the machete to work. Im psyched! Pics to follow.
56 days (exactly 8 weeks) under 12/12/ lighting, this female of unkown bagseed origin (mids?) is chopped and hanging. One tortured bud near the top was quick-dried for testing purposes.


And the verdict is... stoned!