Is she Ready? - What do you guys think?


Sorry for the photos guys-it's the iphone... She is a ten week sativa strain. Had a lot of trouble with her: Strawberry Haze. I decided to keep her going an extra 3 weeks to make up for the stress. I'm growing with CFLs. Not too sure how much more the buds will swell. I'm on week 12.



I took a look at the trichs and they look between clear and milky. Didnt notice any amber ones. What are the chances they will go amber in the next week?


Well-Known Member
damn, i thought my 1 looked bad...relief sets over my soul as i glance at your pucs above..... anyways man, regardless of looks....WAIT till you start seeing amber.... then pluck that whore, if you wait til after that you are only losing THC potency that degrades down to CBN<---- scum


Yeah she is one ugly girl.I bought a ph meter a little too late in the game...First grow, with plenty of pains along the way. Apparently strawberry haze is bitchy. Another poster was telling me he had similar frustrations. She was burning from organics with around 400 ppc in the water. Complete pain in the ass, but i still can't wait to smoke her.


Active Member
wow..there is nothign ugly or bad looking about her, wait a week or 2 until you harvest, sativas tend to take a pretty long time to fully finish


Active Member
DUDE if you can give her some good ol phosphate to swell the shit out of the buds, then flush in a week and harvest in another week or 2. Those leaves look VERY deficient even at this stage, your plant isn't done yet!


Well-Known Member
When they look like this, there is a point where waiting too long will degrade the bud. Since most of your fan leaves are fried, it's going to start eating away at the bud. It's happened to widdle it away until there's nothing except bud, and eventually even the little tiny fan leaves imbedded inside the bud starts to fall off. That's when you start losing bud mass and when that happens, THC production went the wayside long ago.


Well-Known Member
punk is right.... my 1st looked just as bad ... took 4 ever..16 weeks....... looked great after cure, but not very potent......