is she sick shes geting lots of sun


Well-Known Member
i started it in the winter time inside and moved it out side at the start of June it grow for 2 weeks like wild fire then stopped. i cant see much growth its changing colors purple but thats about it stoped at about 2 feet what can i do to get it to start growing

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
How much have you been feeding her? Maybe its locked out. Try giving it a good flush and then use water only for a while. Its flowering time where I live and they dont grow as much once they start to flower. Good Luck!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
It looks like its overfed and needs MagiCal or CalMag. When the edges of the leaves burn its overfed and the yellowing looks like a mag deficency. Over feeding creates deficencys! It looks like it needs to get bigger before you can get a clone from it.


Well-Known Member
whats the best nutz you can get from like rona or home depot or places like that becoouse i have not feed her yet