is shooming in public ok

is going to the movie theater shroomed out ok? its my B-Day tomorrow and i have two friends who each have a quarter of shrooms one has a little more 7.4gr, so were going to spilt 14.4gr between 3 people

do you think it would be too intense to go watch Land Of The Lost OR Up

Land Of The Lost- im thinking would be to intense

Up- its 3D FUCK yeah

i only did shrooms once i took 3.5gr with my budy who also took 3.5gr his first time it was a great trip for me i weigh 260lbs but my budy weighed about 160lbs and he ended on my floor incoherent mumbling everything we said


if you can handle it mentally, there is nothing wrong with tripping in public... i have done it on numerous occasions; but would NEVER consider tripping in public these days... something changed, and now i have to be at home to trip comfortably...

but if you can handle it, i would go see 'land of the lost'.... seems like it would be badass.... years back we ate a bunch of shrooms and went to see the new planet of the apes movie.... badass right there


Well-Known Member
I love tripping in in cars with a really good system and a lot of blunts but I like to be free to do what I want when I trip. I stick to houses and woods. And cars ;D.


I love tripping in in cars with a really good system and a lot of blunts but I like to be free to do what I want when I trip. I stick to houses and woods. And cars ;D.

i too LOVE the woods on a good trip..... wanna drop some now so i can trip/hike in the daytime... but we have to wait for a friend to get here tonight to trip with us.... so no woods unless i get real adventurous tonight
if you can handle it mentally, there is nothing wrong with tripping in public... i have done it on numerous occasions; but would NEVER consider tripping in public these days... something changed, and now i have to be at home to trip comfortably...

but if you can handle it, i would go see 'land of the lost'.... seems like it would be badass.... years back we ate a bunch of shrooms and went to see the new planet of the apes movie.... badass right there
planet of the apes would be intense in public

do you recall how much shrooms you took when you watched it


Well-Known Member
if your buddy was rolling around on the floor incoherently do you really think you should go out in public????


Well-Known Member
Well, the first time i did shrooms was in 9th grade. I ate em During class while the teacher was giving a lecture!! It was a lotta fun but at times i thought my teachers knew and that sorta freaked me out a bit. I also though i was never going to come down because it was lasting for so long. But if you can handle the paranoia that comes with the trip then i say shroom on. But if you have ANY doubts that you wont be able to handle it then i would play it safe and save em for later. Just get really high and have a few drinks b4 the movie.
if your buddy was rolling around on the floor incoherently do you really think you should go out in public????
i handled the shrooms fine that night while he was was rolling around on the floor incoherently i wanted more shrooms because mine were already wearing off but the trip was great while it lasted i can't say the same for my friend though
Well, the first time i did shrooms was in 9th grade. I ate em During class while the teacher was giving a lecture!! It was a lotta fun but at times i thought my teachers knew and that sorta freaked me out a bit. I also though i was never going to come down because it was lasting for so long. But if you can handle the paranoia that comes with the trip then i say shroom on. But if you have ANY doubts that you wont be able to handle it then i would play it safe and save em for later. Just get really high and have a few drinks b4 the movie.
pretty crazy shrooming at school


Active Member
haha shrooms in class, thats crazyy man. my buddy did acid at school the other day, he said he was just laying out on the grass on the field allll day hahahahaha

like they said though, if you think you can do it without being noticed then go for it, maby dont have too many if your worried?
peace :peace:


nope.... couldnt do it anymore.... there is no way in hell i could be out in public like this....


Well-Known Member
I really dont like tripping around other cant trip as much as you want to and so its no where near as much fun. Movies wouldnt be too bad though as its nice and dark, but watching tv or movies makes no sence whatsoever to me on mushies.


New Member
is going to the movie theater shroomed out ok? its my B-Day tomorrow and i have two friends who each have a quarter of shrooms one has a little more 7.4gr, so were going to spilt 14.4gr between 3 people

do you think it would be too intense to go watch Land Of The Lost OR Up

Land Of The Lost- im thinking would be to intense

Up- its 3D FUCK yeah

i only did shrooms once i took 3.5gr with my budy who also took 3.5gr his first time it was a great trip for me i weigh 260lbs but my budy weighed about 160lbs and he ended on my floor incoherent mumbling everything we said
Call me crazy, but shrooms have always been a nature drug for me. Shrooming in public is too stressful and can get you in trouble. It's such a sensitivity expansion high, why would you waste it in a dark room watching TV.... I mean a movie. A park is okay. I shroomed at a park once and had a conversation with someone's dog. We all got a kick out of it. The owner witnessed it. The dog was actually responding to my dialogue. It was bizarrre, my friends.

Success with shrooming in public depends a lot on your tolerance. One time I shroomed and we ended up on a golf course. We wrecked havoc on that country club and it was fun for awhile... until we got chased by the police with full siren down the 10th fairway. Not to mention my friend who flipped out a few hours later and wanted to call the cops on himself. This guy also took shrooms a few years later with his frat buddie at Disneyland. While on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, he had another feak-out and jumped off the ride midway through. He broke the ride and everyone waiting in line were sooooo pisssed.
Careful. Shrooming in public is like treading on water.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
I think public shrooming is amazing unless your best friend thinks his clothes are on fire takes them off finds a large body of water jumps in(your neighbors pool) after jumping the fence then thinks the water is little ants or bugs i dont remember and thinks he IS not in IS a giant ant pile........... huh (sigh) try explaining that to your neighbor!