is smell a health/gender indicator?


Active Member
My seedlings are about a week old now, and one of them has begun to smell (not a strong smell, I literally have to stick my nose on the plant). (this one seedling is also about a million times bigger than the other one, but I assume that's due to genetics since this one has skinnier leaves, and the other one has fatter leaves).

My question is, in your experience, do male and female plants smell differently even at this early of an age? Do you find that your vegetating female plants smell stronger than a vegeetating male plant (god forbid you have one).

Also, can it be used as an indicator of the overall health of the plant? do you find that unhealthy plants have weaker/different smells?

I'm just curious, because it would be a cool way to "read" your plant y'know?

"Man, my plant smells like it needs some phosphorous".

Also, this is my first grow, so forgive me if this question is totally wacked out and stupid. I just want to know everything I possibly can so as to give the best for my babies.


Active Member
yeah I was just thinking y'know. I like to sit and smoke, and watch my babies grow, and think. Then start threads about what I'm thinking about hoping it makes sense to other people.


Well-Known Member
well this summer I planted 3 bag seeds and one smelled like a skunk right off the bat and turned out to be female,however the one right beside it had really no was a female too,so I'm guessing it all depends on what strain you have going.but I don't really know.I'd say if it smells like weed as a baby good chance it a female.maybe the smell factor is worth investigation!!


Well-Known Member
The only way you can determine the sex of a plant is in the flowering cycle.
And you can flower at any time so when your plant have about three good nodes worth of growth, take a black bag and tie it loosely around the branch you wanna sex, leave the tie loose so air can circulate and keep the bagged branch on a 12/12 cycle(bag on/ bag off) until it shows either male(pollen sac in the shape of balls(no not a nutsack) or starts showing long white hairs as pistils) check growFAQ to confirm everything.
peace an goodluck


Well-Known Member
Well, male plants do sometimes mature faster than female plants because they typically need to be more mature for the flowering stage. If it's growing faster and smellier than any other one, who knows. I guess just watch it carefully.


Well-Known Member
All plants smell. Some more than others, but it is not an indication of gender or health issues. Just the natural essence of the plant.

I love the smell of multiple plants in veg, makes me feel healthy :)


Well-Known Member
wait till their buds start to develop, you wont be able to leave your growroom. My Blueberry smells so damn good. Check em out.


Well-Known Member
doesn't there have to be a way to sex a plant before preflowering? a PLants sex is determined when it sprouts it dosn't just one day say hmmm. I'm going to be a male... or dose it?


Well-Known Member
theres got to be some crazy scientific way. like wouldnt the premature female plant have X chromisons like people and males have y? couldnt a DNA sample tell you lol?