Is smoking tobacco/weed around your growing plants bad?


Well-Known Member
Well? Is smoking either tobacco or weed or a combination of the two (yeah, I know, im English, we do that here sometimes) bad for the health of growing marijuana plants? Heard a few people say so, would like to know if its true, and why?

Coz tbh, ive been smoking off and on around my auto ak47's and they're growing bionically.
as far I know its true as for the reason dont know but youd think if the fan was their it wouldnt matter but hey am a noob at this
but i did read that you shouldnt.STAY HAPPY.


Active Member
  • I've always heard that tobacco smoking around plants kills from all the toxins in the stuff. And when you smoke it get on your hands so if you touch your plants with cigarette hands it's also said to be bad for them.

  • As for smoking weed, I've never heard anything bad about it. Maybe the plants can smell their sisters being burned so they get scared??:leaf:


nicotine is like poison to a marijuana plant....pure and simple, hands have to be washed every single time a plant is being handled


Well-Known Member
Don't smoke cigarettes around your weed. Too many chemicals in it for it not to do something bad to it. Remember it is alive, it does breathe.


Well-Known Member
I know u guys are probably right Buuuut , i have been growing 3 blue cheese plants in my wardrobe which draws air in from my room wich i smoke in and my plants still look very healthy, i only smoke in there during weekends and evenings about 2-3 joints with tobacco in them and all is fine


Well-Known Member
i smoke in my grow room everyonce ina while, i agree that ciggaretts are a NO-NO. but as far as iv heard, smoking bud in there doesnt do much other then introduce co2 into the room, tho im pretty sure the co2 from smoke is not usable by plants?


Well-Known Member
tho i did an entire grow where is smoked about a pack a day in the grow room, never seen any ill effects other then stressing myself out wondering if its causing any problems lol


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, like that last post. So the consensus is - tobacco smoke = poison = bad for plants to breathe (makes sense). But it probably wont kill them, although it obviously wont help them.

Tbh I could probably do with cutting out the baccy - so American style J's it is then:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Umm. Nicotine is a pesticide. It's sprayed on plants every day. In fact it's listed as an organic pesticide.

Particulates in smoke however can clog a plants pores inhibiting it's ability to exchange air.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, really? Never heard that. How is the nicotine applied? Im guessing soaking tobacco perhaps. Seems an expensive thing to use, but not if you grow your own baccie too lol


Well-Known Member
almost all kid and pet friendly is this nicotine derivative anymore, can't recall the name-

the old lady smokes around the girls constantly, and i chew, never really noticed to wash my hands after tobacco inter action, but it definitely doesn't seem to hurt em


Well-Known Member
Yep just soaking the leaves in water then foliar feeding. Tobacco dust is also very high in N and K which makes it a great buffer crop. Farmers fertilize and make pesticide all in one swoop.

I can't think of any over the counter stuff that uses it but the spray is common in gardens around the south. Agriculture ivariety is called nicotine sulfate. The only commercial product I've seen personally was called Black Leaf 40 which was still hard to find. According to some article the over the couter varieties called neonicotinoids.


Active Member
smoke is esstienaly all carbon Monoxide, Air-Born battery acid to plants if you will.
keep it up einstien


Well-Known Member
Smoking around a plant is beneficial for several reasons. 1. An environment high in carbon monoxide will help ensure female plants. 2. Between your breath and the smoke there is a huge amount of carbon dioxide when you exhale. 3. The smoke and the smell will help to deter bugs from nesting in your grow area. Look it up!!!


Active Member
BENIFICIAL????? you must be on heroin mate,try opening a book, acyually do me a favour and go to your grow area and smoke every biff/cig u would there all day. then see how helpfull it is.

dont be giving idiots wrong adive, thats bad news sqaured


Well-Known Member
Yeah open a book bro!!! Read about the benefits of CO and CO2 for your plants and also read how plants are not subject to carcinogenic substances like we are. Read how subjecting your plants to an environment of carbon monoxide for a couple hours will GUARANTEE your plants will be female and read about the huge amont of CO2 in smoke and breathe. Let's read a book together.


Well-Known Member
BENIFICIAL????? you must be on heroin mate,try opening a book, acyually do me a favour and go to your grow area and smoke every biff/cig u would there all day. then see how helpfull it is.

dont be giving idiots wrong adive, thats bad news sqaured
Go back, read the thread... I do it all the time, in fact lots of people do, our plants are fine - as the other guys said its probably not great for them but its certainly not deadly. although i like how people have been brainwashed with this "smoking = instant death to you and everything around you" attitude . if i'm honest i dont want future generations smoking ciggarettes so yay for impressionable people like you :)


cigarette smoke has carbon monoxide not what we want carbon dioxide,it will harm your plants dependind on how often you smoke & if its in the same room,they will get mosaic virus trust me it happened to me!