Is something wrong with this seedling?


Hello everyone,

This seedling is about 9-10 days old. There is some discoloration going on and the leaves look somewhat strange to me. This is an outdoor grow, I live in the tropics so it's getting 12 hours of sunlight a day. Medium used is a mixture of perlite, organic soil and coir. I'm also afraid the pot I'm using is too small...

Thanks for anyone that can chime in.

IMG_1008.JPG IMG_1010.JPG IMG_1011.JPG


Thanks for the reply
Ph is 7.5, but it's a shitty ph meter it was like 15 dollars. Definitely a mistake but as I don't have the money for a quality one thought it would be better than nothing.

Anyone else?


How much of the medium is coco and perlite? And have you fed them yet? I don't have much experience yet, but I know coco and perlite really don't contain any nutes in them. You might need to give them a light feeding. It all depends on what is in your soil and how much of it you used. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
live with the ph..........yer in soil, right? next time buffer yer medium down to 7, with elemental sulfur before grow. also, make sure you're using the meter correctly. make a milkshake of your medium and distilled water, and measure that. this has been a recording.