Is tap water ok to use on my weed plants if i get the ph to 6.5


Active Member
look my funds was low and lighing scared me go to wal mart get one 42w cfl and two 23w cfl for sides use hand heat test about 30 bux for bulbs and 18 for lamp fixtures i use like drop light with round metal reflector w clamps 6 bux eack buy one light a week


Well-Known Member
We dont have a wal mart im in england, i been and bought 2x20w cfl's today from b+q and just set them up, i have made my own reflectors for now but will get a coulpe of proper one's off ebay as i can't find anywhere that sells them local to me! I'm hanging them from the top of the tank about 2-3" away from plants and i will go get a couple more for the sides tomorrow does this sound like it'll work???
Thanks for your help every1!!


Well-Known Member
sounds good. remember the hand test! how about pics of the new rig? if you have a camera phone you will have to turn off the lights to take a pic of them or it wont come out.


Well-Known Member
I know it doesn't look like much but hopfully tomorrow ill get a couple more cfl's, i am using homemade reflectors for now lol!!


Not to confuse you but I was told to use rain water as the PH is supposed to be right on the money and CFL's are fine just read Rosemans stuff also there is a CFL tutorial on here as well look up tutorials and you'll see it.


Well-Known Member
I was using rain water intil i realised the barrel i was getting it out of was full of little mites, thats why i changed to tap water! I'll defo check out the pages you said about thanks


Active Member
hey, tap water is ok......but you should use a purified water, you'll get healthier plants. i dont know of any plant that likes chlorine, sodium or flouride, or any of the other crap added to tap water. i can get a gallon of purified for 25 cents in front of the grocery store. great plants happen with good water. definitely worth using good water.


yo , those b@q lights are 2700k ok for flowering but not really for vegging , u need to stick them reptile lights back in im sure they would be 6400k odd use them both
as for your water - let it sit on the side in a open container i use a coke bottle with the top cut off for at least 24 hours this lets the chorine evapoate u need to do this , b@q got miricle grow too its great dont let these guys fool you use the small measure and one is all u need and it lowers ph as well ! so i dont ph down my water just use the good ols tap water
, u need to swap in flowering to a higher potassium ratio . but im just going to use miricle grow bloom :D.
i got the b@q 2700k lights and my plant is doing ok with three of them but i put them out in the sun for 3-4 hours a day as well around 3pm as i dont want to burn them out - and my plant is still in veg and vegged all the way from 2700k cfl
im on a really tight budget too . i went with 1 seed i got from a friend i kno its female as it was from a female lol. its around 2 foot tall now and has massive leafs - big budda cheese . the top of the plant has 1 leaf which at its point has curled down due to over watering - dont water untill your pot is light - i made the mistake of watering everyday lol but the plant seems fine untill 2 days ago when the top leaf started to curl down and under only slight i think i repaired the damage as soon as i saw it . i also have small shiny crystals on some of the leafs dunno what but it smells nice lol , u going to need a lot of cfls in flowering so dont let it go too big and before u do i say after 2 feet take 2 cuttings , u going to need some rooting gel again from b@q :D . let these start to veg once u start flowering then u gonna have some more smoke after 14 weeks to flower. u going to need a fan but saying that i just blow on my plant a few times a day l:roll: i really need a fan lol but the fresh air it gets near the window is all its going to get right now. :hump:

saying that though my plant is strong , very green and has lovely leafs so i dont think it matters to be honest , but miricle grow is excellent just dont over do it

this is from a beginner to a beginner , u dont need the best stuff to grow the best bud i got a nice smelly plant just using 1 cfl then brought 3 more after 4 weeks
no fan , no nutrients and water straight from the tap

i become a expert beginner when i left my water to stand added more light (the more lights the better dont matter what they are cfl , uv , kitchen lights , and when i mixed up my first miricle grow bottle lol

my next move is to get a sprayer from , u guessed it b@Q to spray my plant from underneath with bottled fizzy water just to clean it maybe next week to get it ready for flowering..... i will post my own in 14 weeks :D see u soon

sorry remember to pour the water back into a bottle and shake it for a while to get the o2 back into it , i use a bubble stone and pump to bubble the air in the water as it sits for a hour or two before watering...thanks and dont let it stand for longer than 24 hours as ph will start to rise unless u use ph down ,,, longer than 24 hours u going to need to bubble the water and ph down it
Tap water is all I ever used and it works great. Once you get the hang of it and figure out the ph of your water supply ph down is all you should need because tapwater (at least in this area tends to be high). I use cheap lemon juice and 1 capful brings a gallon of water into the perfect range. Not sure about the nutes in question, never used that brand...but I like a small amount of nutes in the watering application and tend to go light to none with them on the foliar spray.
hello I’ve been using nothing but Publix purified gallon water on my autoflower with earth dust nutes, I’m beginning to think my plants not getting any micro nutes because of the water, she’s got rust spots on the top, can someone help me diagnose the issue? thank you!



New Member
Honestly, after growing marijuana for 25 years, I have come to believe that this plant can grow just fine without all the $$$ people spend on nutrient and water purification. Of course they tell you it is NEEDED, they are trying to make money on their product. Now with that being said, I do add things, they just don't cost an arm and a leg, such as unsulphered molasses, blood meal and chicken manure/straw mixture, but tap water has always been just fine. At first I left it out the 24 hours, then as an experiment used it right out the hose, and could not find different results. People do try to make this WAY more complicated than it needs to be.