is the color of this ok?

You feeding the little one nutes? Soil may be hot.
yes, but very little. i mixed 2tbl spoon of big bloom in 2gal of water, but but i only gave it 2 light waterings with that. in betwn were just water. today i gave a little of grow big to the big bloom water. i gave it a light watering with that, then when the sun was shaded i misted it with the same. the soil is certainly warm on top, ive been letting it go dry between waterings. except today it was mostly dry when i added the nutes.


dont feed it nutes right now, it doesnt need it... and soil being "hot" has nothing to do with temperature, it has to do with the amount of nutrients in it... some soils are 'hot" meaning you fertilize them too soon, you will burn your plants due to nutrient overload...


Well-Known Member
just back off on feeding her and also make sure your soil ph is 6.5ish and u should be good . and soil if u bought at lowes or even hydro store has nuts in it already so no need to add to it. only add nuts about 2-3 weeks in depending on the soil. other than that nice tight grouping so your light is perfect height :)
thanks for all the tips! heres a little backstory. it has been popped out of the soil for 4 wks now. my buddy sprouted it in a paper towel then planted it in a jiffypot with junk soil. he placed it outside in direct light and brought it in under ambient light at night. he, sprouted more than he wanted so he gave it to me 1 wk ago. when i got it i spooned it out and replanted into another jiffy pot with fox farm happy frog soil. i put it in direct sunlight during the day and i have a 23w 6500k cfl i put it under at night. its at about 20/4 now.


Well-Known Member
wow i would personally keep it just outside or just inside. and that soil u have u should be kewl for another week before adding any nuts.
wow i would personally keep it just outside or just inside. and that soil u have u should be kewl for another week before adding any nuts.
Thanks a ton!
My plan is to wait for another 2 wks and it will be going into a 5gal pot that will be outdoors all the time. If, it's not big established enough by then I'll leave it out all day in the jiffy pot until its ready for transplant. Think my indoor/outdoor will be ok till then?
had some growth today, but looks a bit more yellow though. must be over nuted, itll get nothing but water till the color changes for the better or worse. i have no idea what the soil ph is, but i balance the water each go.


Active Member
Distilled water with your PH at 5.8-6.0 for a few days and she'll perk right back up. NO NUTES for the first 3-4 weeks!
Distilled water with your PH at 5.8-6.0 for a few days and she'll perk right back up. NO NUTES for the first 3-4 weeks!
Ok thanks,
Ive never used distilled before when you say ph 5.8-6 do you mean I should ph the distilled water, or I should make sure the soil is 5.8-6?

Thanks again


Good thing I came across this post ..I was also wondering about yellow leafs ..apparently one of mine got over nute..thanks to me :( nd now it died


Undercover Mod
You shouldn't give it any nutrients until its atleast a month old. The plant looks very distressed. Most likely over watering with the nutrients causing it to be stunted.


Active Member
Ok thanks,
Ive never used distilled before when you say ph 5.8-6 do you mean I should ph the distilled water, or I should make sure the soil is 5.8-6?

Thanks again
The distilled water should be close, but make sure. I wouldn't worry about the soil.