Is the darkness before harvest myth dead

I prefer information.
@twentyeight.threefive does not actually believe what he wrote. He believes the opposite. That is commonly called "irony" and used in written and oral communication to make a point (or to be funny/sarcastic).

There is no peer-reviewed documentation for his claim, because his claim was made ironically.

Now I completely unironically spelled it all out for you.
@twentyeight.threefive does not actually believe what he wrote. He believes the opposite. That is commonly called "irony" and used in written and oral communication to make a point (or to be funny/sarcastic).

There is no peer-reviewed documentation for his claim, because his claim was made ironically.

Now I completely unironically spelled it all out for you.
Thank you, I guess. I thought the claim was a bit bold.
I may be wrong but i think if you consider when lights are on on theres some things like monoterpenes that are volatile when lights are off you notice them more cos they aint being cooked off this is just a thought no real scientific basis or nothing what about you man why do you think they stink a bit more during lights off vs on ?

stomata closing
I think Dr. Bugbee's studies show no increase in trichome production. It's counterproductive. See his interview with Mr. GrowIt.
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Dr. Bugbee's studies show no increase in trichome production. It's counterproductive.
Do people fully trust that dude? Seems hot until the infomercial really gets going and you realize he’s got a business attached to every idea he’s selling. I’d be careful with just believing whole hog. I know he does research but isn’t it mostly with hemp??? Just vastly different goals.

Would be nice to be able to trust. Shit is frustrating.

Not that he’s wrong here.

I chop in the ‘morning’ lights can even come on for a few hours doesn’t seem to matter. I chop clones in the morning too and that does seem to matter.
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Do people fully trust that dude? Seems hot until the infomercial really gets going and you realize he’s got a business attached to every idea he’s selling. I’d be careful with just believing whole hog. I know he does research but isn’t it mostly with hemp??? Just vastly different goals.

Would be nice to be able to trust. Shit is frustrating.

Not that he’s wrong here.

I chop in the ‘morning’ lights can even come on for a few hours doesn’t seem to matter. I chop clones in the morning too and that seem to matter.
I trust him 100%. He sells high-end light measurement instruments, not home grower stuff. Furthermore he has stated light quality does not have a significant difference in the production of cannabinoids. So what do you think he is selling that would give him bias? Beyond that you can read his studies and methodology. He's an open book.
I trust him 100%. He sells high-end light measurement instruments, not home grower stuff. Furthermore he has stated light quality does not have a significant difference in the production of cannabinoids. So what do you think he is selling that would give him bias? Beyond that you can read his studies and methodology. He's an open book.

I came off harsh to you and I apologize. Sincerely. I just get skeptical when someone’s research and business overlap. His argument is that you need his products to grow plants properly in a nutshell. I can’t remember exactly where he lost me but there was something he said I really didn’t like and haven’t returned.
His argument is that you need his products to grow plants properly in a nutshell.
He's been doing plant research for 30 years, and that certainly is not his argument, and definitely not "in a nutshell".
there was something he said I really didn’t like and haven’t returned
That is not a good motivation to skip one of the best free resources on plant science that we currently have.
I know he does research but isn’t it mostly with hemp??? Just vastly different goals.
They are using hemp because that is what they are licensed for. He mentioned explicitely more than once that THC plants are not different, the science fully applies there as well. Vastly different goals? No.

You also need to look at what claims he makes: I haven't heard him say that his methods are the best possible way to grow "the dankest bud" or anything like that. He does not even propose a certain "method".

He gives recommendations on soil, based on what has proven to work for them for decades, and he recommends optimal lighting and so on. That is all based on scientific findings.

No respectable scientist, him included, would suggest they've found The Holy Grail and the final truth, and research now ends there.
He's been doing plant research for 30 years, and that certainly is not his argument, and definitely not "in a nutshell".

That is not a good motivation to skip one of the best free resources on plant science that we currently have.

They are using hemp because that is what they are licensed for. He mentioned explicitely more than once that THC plants are not different, the science fully applies there as well. Vastly different goals? No.

You also need to look at what claims he makes: I haven't heard him say that his methods are the best possible way to grow "the dankest bud" or anything like that. He does not even propose a certain "method".

He gives recommendations on soil, based on what has proven to work for them for decades, and he recommends optimal lighting and so on. That is all based on scientific findings.

No respectable scientist, him included, would suggest they've found The Holy Grail and the final truth, and research now ends there.
Fair enough. I’ll admit I made my judgement after watching the better part of a long YouTube vid and didn’t dig deep. I can be wrong and have been many times. I would guess his program at the university is excellent too. Maybe I should revisit what’s out there. I’m open minded and like to learn. Honesty if people are using his methods and successful then good shit.
He mentioned explicitely more than once that THC plants are not different, the science fully applies there as well.
That was what he said that didn’t resonate. They want fibers - stems from hemp. Not the fruit - tricombs. Still overall plant science should hold up. I was still probably too quick but we’ll have to agree to disagree about the goals.
They want fibers - stems from hemp.
They don't research fibrous hemp. They research "medicinal hemp" (CBD hemp). When you watch his lab tour you can see plenty of their plants, and they all have big flowers, they could as well be THC plants purely from the looks. Definitely not fibrous hemp.