Is the Earth growing?


Well-Known Member
Found some more goodies.
Solar radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its the outer surface of the atmosphere, best I could find.
Ball park fig. 1.74*10^17 (+-)3.5% thats watts, I converted it to Joules on my TI-89, 6.264*10^20 J
E=mc2 Explained
Says C=3.0*10^8Sq mps. = 9.0*10^16Mps
Plugged them in, 6960kg. No time factor in the equation.
Used the solve feature on the 89.

The Solar constant is the amount of the Sun's incoming electromagnetic radiation (Solar radiation) per unit area, measured on the outer surface of Earth's atmosphere in an aircraft perpendicular to the rays. The Solar constant includes all types of Solar radiation, not just the visible light. It is measured by satellite to be roughly 1,366 watts per square meter (W/m²),[2] though this fluctuates by about 6.9% during a year (from 1,412 W/m² in early January to 1,321 W/m² in early July) due to the earth's varying distance from the Sun, and by a few parts per thousand from day to day. Thus, for the whole Earth (which has a cross section of 127,400,000 km²), the power is 1.740×1017 W, plus or minus 3.5%. The Solar constant does not remain constant over long periods of time (see Solar variation). 1,366 W/m² is equivalent to 1.96 calories per minute per square centimeter, or 1.96 langleys (Ly) per minute.
"Thus, for the whole Earth (which has a cross section of 127,400,000 km²), the power is 1.740×1017 W, plus or minus 3.5%"

For the formula M=E/C^2, M stands for mass in grams, E stands for energy in Joules(right?). You converted Watts into Joules(,Joules to Watt-Hours Conversion Calculator) so thats the first step. I think the power that wiki was giving us was watts per year(?)

"Plugged them in, 6960kg. No time factor in the equation."

Did you use grams for your calculation/answer? So as long as we know how much power (in joules) the earth is receiving than we can just use the formula M(in grams)= E(in joules)/300,000,000meters/sec.

What do you mean no time factor?

Thanks for your great searching! Wonderful links!:mrgreen: I was going to rep you back, but it says I need to spread more love.

Ahh... I'm too stoned right now to do all this searching and figuring. Maybe tomorrow I'll do my own calculations and see what I come up with.




Well-Known Member
I let my machine do the work.

I think they want kg, look how they changed 111g to .111kg

F@ck to bad Carl Sagan died, he would come on RIU and help us, he blazed BIG TIME.



Well-Known Member
I changed the ^17 to ^14 to switch from watts to kilowatts.
Are you confident in your answer? "Plugged them in, 6960kg. No time factor in the equation." If I wasn't so stoned and tired I would do it myself, but do you think this is correct? In other words, are you good at math and science and the such?

The next question is to find out what percentage per year the earth grows! So if we take the correct answer(whatever it is) and divide that buy the total mass that the earth is, that answer will the the fraction that the earth grows per year(if you want to find its percent you multiply the answer by 100... but you guys knew that, right?)

Hypothetically, if the earth grew one percent, than less than a hundred years it will over double its size... right? :lol: (I'm sure it doesn't grow even 0.000001 percent per year.)

*YAWN* Time for bed.. C'ya guys..




Well-Known Member
I think you might like string theory, 11 dimensions.
NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS

I own the DVD set, its bitch'in.

But all the energy being converted to thermal energy, photochemical reactions, phase change, and such. must be subtracted from the equation.

Trip on the difference between temperature and thermal energy.
Thermal Energy - Learn all about thermal energy and the laws of thermodynamics.

A cup of coffee(hot) has a greater temperature than an iceberg, but does it have more thermal energy ??


Well-Known Member
All ENERGY can be quantified* by MASS. (Although) All mass is quintessentially ENERGY!

{*quantified-to give quantity to (something regarded as having only quality)}

Just think of how much energy one person has, when E=MC^2..... E= Energy, M= Mass, and C= The Constant speed of light (from the Sun, 299,792,458 metres per second). So if you take approximate value of the speed of light- ~300,000,000 and square it (^2) you get this number- 90,000,000,000,000,000.. Multiply this number by your "M" (Mass) and your E (Energy) will be a HUGE number! (Without doing the math) You are made up of a lot of ENERGY! (The Suns ENERGY! Without the Sun, WE would not be here!)

The REVOLUTION has begun!

