is the food we eat the reason for sickness

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
In america we eat all these processed foods and GM foods, we dont really exactly know what we are eating if you look at the ingredients of most foods you dont know what half the stuff is. Is it possible we are being "poisoned" or fed this food to make us weaker and more susceptible to disease/illness? Or could it be that since people eat less whole foods and the whole foods people do eat do not have as much nutrients as they did years ago since soil depletion that that could contribute to all the sickness and illnesses people have?
Also pay attention to what livestock is being fed in this era along with the chemicals pumped into them .. Our livestock in america is not healthy and the industry knows that animal farming is sick and wrong but it continues to feed the nation at an alarming rate ..

I will continue to hunt and fish far from urban america while I grow my own organic gardens of non gmo stock ..

I was fortunate to grow up on home canned foods and fresh farm meats and proteins that we harvested and processed ourselves along with plenty of wild fish and game !
I want to do that and i bet alot of other americans want to do the same they just dont have the resources to do so. i am what one would call a "city folk" or a "yuppie" i dont really want to be that i would rather be out of the cities in the "country" and beable to be mostly self sustainable. that is my ideal lifestyle. but i am in college now and dont have the luxury of growing my own food atleast enough to sustain myself. I notmally do not buy meat from the grocery store due to the fact that potsnob brought up the only meat i buy and cook is pasture raised meats. i do occasionally eat meat when i go out but i do not do that that often. i just feel people should understand more about what they eat and where it comes from and people should really care about what they eat and where it comes from.

grow your own, no preservatives, no recycled crap, then you know what your eating
what do you mean by "no recycled crap"?
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut, I would say it goes a step farther. It's very profitable to stuff us all full of processed shit and keep us fat and sick. In developing countries there is no such thing as high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, etc. In our culture it seems like every person has some type of food borne ailment, and there is a pill to treat the symptoms of each and every one of these ailments.

Food/pharmaceuticals/health care are all intertwined, and are VERY big business. How much money would be lost if we all ate right, exercised, and were the models of health?
keeping people sick is a sure way for them to get rich. what do you guys do to eat better?

420god and potsnob do you guys ever get sick or anything? since you eat home grown food and wild meats.

stowandgrow its not a conspiracy if its true. i think the government is doing alot of bad things to the people.
keeping people sick is a sure way for them to get rich. what do you guys do to eat better?

420god and potsnob do you guys ever get sick or anything? since you eat home grown food and wild meats.

i grow a lot of it harder to however in the winter months, im a vegan, and if i cannot pronounce it i dont put it in my body, if it sounds like something created in a lab i dont eat it
I can't remember the last time I was sick. Had to been when I was a child. My daughter never gets sick.
The really bad ingredients are the ones they're allowed to rename a billion other things. Other names MSG is allowed to be called....

Autolyzed Plant Protein
Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Citric Acid (when processed from corn)
Glutamic Acid
Hydrolized Plant Protein (HPP)
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate
Natural Flavoring
Natural Meat Tenderizer
Sodium Caseinate
Senomyx (wheat extract labeled as artificial flavor)
Textured Protein
Yeast Food or Nutrient
Yeast Extract
There are ingredients that have MSG added which means it's not the actual ingredient so they don't have to label it...

Barley Malt
Caramel Flavoring (coloring)
Corn syrup and corn syrup solids (partly depends upon process used)
Dough Conditioners
Dry Milk Solids
Fermented anything
Flavoring Seasonings (This does not always mean salt and pepper)
Flavors & Flavoring
Flowing Agents
Lipolyzed butter fat
Low or No Fat items
Malt Extract or Flavoring
Malted Barley (flavor)
Modified Food Starch
Milk Powder
Natural Chicken
Protein fortified anything
Protease enzymes
Protein Fortified Milk
Reaction Flavors
Rice or Brown Rice, Syrup
Soy Protein
Soy Protein Isolate or Concentrate
Soy Sauce or Extract
Ultra-pasteurized anything
Vitamin enriched
Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate
Whey Protein or Whey
Yeast Nutrients
I am a 19 220 pound 6,1 guy i mostly eat preprepped food or fast food ...i am to lazy to cook and dont really know how to...i dont ever really get sick flu wise or anything..i have my stomach problems (ibs) im sure if i atr healthier i would have less stomach problems but its me and my gf in an apartment her jobless right now and i get about 650$ checks(1300$ monthly max)max so i dont have money to go spend on groceries or atleast nice fresh foods like i want. But hopefully when i can get a new place i can start a garden of some sorts...gots a green thumb lol
danoo i wanna punch you through the screen with your ignorance and i still love you however its total fucking bullshit that fresh food costs, more than prepped or fast food
There's no money in cures, but a ton of it in treatment. Create things to be treated and you fatten your industries bank account.