is the food we eat the reason for sickness

Challenge away.

Are you suggesting that high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease are NOT related to the food we consume?

he is not challenging that. he is challenging your direct assertion that 3rd world countries do not have issues as explained above...
Buy sunni me and my gf were able to.spend about 200 a month and in reality when shopping healthy foods cost more idc if people say no they dont they do
they dont and i proved it to you or did oyu not see the photos?
he is confused with packaged foods labeled with the word "healthy"
oh fuck i hate those and those low calories meals, just cause something says "organic" "low calorie" "healthy" doesnt mean it is, we got the way we are because we are fooled with marketing and cant take the 2 minutes to read the fucking ingredient list. So society goes on this "health" craze so the marketing companies say just put organic or healthy or low calorie on it and than it goes back into its cycle where we are fooled by the companies band dont read the packaging because it says "organic," or "healthy" or "low calorie" so it must be good for us.
Food is cheaper in canada than in the us...a gallon of milk os 350 here...bread about 3.00$ for good healthy name brand shit...i got a 627$ paycheck and after all my.bills and a half oz of weed i had 30$ left over that is noy enough to buy food my gf spent 75$ in food at walmart and got maybe a week worth i cant afford to spend 75a week i can eat 3$ worth food at taco bell(loaded potato grillers 2) and be set for the whole day
for $5 I can get wheat bread and a gallon of whole milk. Store brand. Also you gf and you should look into couponing to stretch your dollars. If you don't already.
Ya she just applied stamps i think she is gettin, 125 a month and i dont qualify because i supposedly make to much but paycheck to paycheck and usually am out of money about 4 days aftet i.get paid
Food is cheaper in canada than in the us...a gallon of milk os 350 here...bread about 3.00$ for good healthy name brand shit...i got a 627$ paycheck and after all my.bills and a half oz of weed i had 30$ left over that is noy enough to buy food my gf spent 75$ in food at walmart and got maybe a week worth i cant afford to spend 75a week i can eat 3$ worth food at taco bell(loaded potato grillers 2) and be set for the whole day

Loaded Potato Griller $1.50 Can of Tuna $.50

177 Grams 154

470 Calories 179

200 Calories from fat 11

6 Saturated Fat 0

22 Total Fat 1

0 Trans fat 0

25 Cholesterol 46

1120 Sodium 521

55 Carbohydrates 0

4 Dietary Fiber 0

5 Sugars 0

13 Protein 39

Brother, your bills are too high. What is your health worth? A taco bell griller is about 50% fat (about 90% processed), a can of tune is about 7% fat, and 3x as much protein. Buy some beans, and whole grain rice for $3. You will get more than two meals out of that and it will be much better for you. That fats food tastes good, that's their plan, but you have to break the addiction.
Long Grain Brown Rice, 1 cup (195g)

calories 216
calories from fat 15
total fat 2
sodium 10mg
carbs 45
sugar 1
fiber 4
protein 5

You can buy long grain brown rice in the bulk bin section for about $2 a pound! That's 2 1/2 cups. Do the math, my man.

$6 buys you 4 grillers, or 1 lb of rice, 1 lb of beans, 4 cans of tuna, and a crown of broccolli.
Food is cheaper in canada than in the us...a gallon of milk os 350 here...bread about 3.00$ for good healthy name brand shit...i got a 627$ paycheck and after all my.bills and a half oz of weed i had 30$ left over that is noy enough to buy food my gf spent 75$ in food at walmart and got maybe a week worth i cant afford to spend 75a week i can eat 3$ worth food at taco bell(loaded potato grillers 2) and be set for the whole day

bullshit the photos i posted WERE american not canadian and canadian food is actually MORE EXPENSIVE than american so dont even.
For a couple of months I was subsisting on 30 dollars a week. I was sleeping in the woods so my only bother was food. I'd buy a pound of peanuts in the shells, some bananas, apples, oranges, canned beans, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, a couple of small containers of yogurt, cilantro, and drank only water which was free. I'm hypoglycemic but I felt quite well on this diet. The body doesn't need a terribly lot so long as the food you feed it is nutritious.
Your local farmers market can be a source of properly grown and produced meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Every dollar you spend stays in the farmers pocket. Of the food dollars you spend at the grocery store a farmer gets only a few pennies.