Is the national debt relevant?

Is the national debt relevant?

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  • no

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I put it in that other thread, could have been an interesting discussion but the other dudes sorta ran away. Ah well, between that and digging up the language of laws on why trumps document case is different than the other guys, I'm kinda tired of trying to talk with them. Back to jokes about Santos and hunter bidens weinertop I go.

Would be interesting to look at the debt stuff and how it relates to the policies of the IMF and World Bank. There is an agenda to the "national debt matters" narrative that is worth looking at. Same as the narratives that get pushed around tax rates. Just interesting to see how it impacts people's understanding of economic issues.
The debt is relevant in the context of how human relations are conducted.

It's part of a sinister normalization of a kind of absurd free range slavery, which relies on euphemisms, Santa Clausy promises and psychological manipulation. In short, it's a part of a very evil process.

The various machinations of how it works are interesting, in a dull accounting kind of way (shrug) but I think of them as a kind of distraction from the harm created.

If I cannot assign my debt to my neighbors, why should that change if the concept is upscaled to millions of people?
I don't know, is it? $560B gone through IT.

But we're going to put our heads in the sand and hope it doesn't happen again.

State Governments! Update your technology it's your own fault!
I don't know, is it? $560B gone through IT.

But we're going to put our heads in the sand and hope it doesn't happen again.

State Governments! Update your technology it's your own fault!
Whoa. That article is attributed to Rep. Lauren Boebert and doesn't sound like unhinged insanity. I feel uneasy.
As long as covid kills enough social security recipients to cover the increase no problem.
disregarding the misanthropy of that scenario, it bypasses the real problem: boosting revenues by at least twofold. The catastrophic tax policies of the right need to be decisively broken. They’re handing us a shot at that by putting the rest of their institutional criminality on clear display. As voters, we should graciously accept that generosity, and act on it going forward.
disregarding the misanthropy of that scenario, it bypasses the real problem: boosting revenues by at least twofold. The catastrophic tax policies of the right need to be decisively broken. They’re handing us a shot at that by putting the rest of their institutional criminality on clear display. As voters, we should graciously accept that generosity, and act on it going forward.
Excuse me, who do you think owns the national debt? Even the Asians aren’t buying any more. More vaccines coming right up.
Whoa. That article is attributed to Rep. Lauren Boebert and doesn't sound like unhinged insanity. I feel uneasy.

But look where all the money was stolen from..Boebert is looking for there, there with Dems, when it's Red who did the thieving (exception foreign entities) but in America? Notice where the grifter opportunists live.
And that would be when, who?
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the Republicans beginning with Nixon. Your graph has two flaws:

1) it is a linear representation of a phenomenon that graphs better on an exponential scale

2) it does not address politicoeconomic response lag, which is why Democratic administrations from Clinton forward inherited the steepest bits of the graph as their predecessors’ cocaine-and-hookers spending habits hit the economy.

So, in case I have not been clear enough, the deficit is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the practitioners of the sick joke called supply-side economics. Republicans.
C’mon man, all those democratic congresses since Nixon? Its not political, its economical. Government needs a couple trillion for Ukraine, issues bonds bought by social security and federal pension funds, their piggy bank, which will be empty in 2033 by their current estimate. Thirty trillion doesn’t sound like much, if you say it real fast.
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Why does the debt ceiling exist? I'd like to know more about the origin of it and why some number was chosen. I'm assuming it was mostly arbitrary but had some core of relevance. Something like "make sure it never surpasses this amount" but other than that they just picked some number and said that the sky would fall if the debt ever got that high. And when was this? What significance is there in the when?