Is the plant ready to flower?


New Member
Been 2 months. Has been wilting but after I watered it, it got a bit better but still shows signs of wilting. Is it big/healthy enough to flower? Sorry for picture orientation.
looks healthy enough to survive a transplant to me, would probably be the best thing for it right now, but don't take my word for it when things take a turn for the worst


Well-Known Member
It's wilting because its roots are cramped in that solo cup. Transplant into a bigger pot and it will take off.


Well-Known Member
like ^ said, get her into a larger pot, wait a few weeks and watch her go. looks real good. u might want to do some lst and top her to make her bush out, tie them limbs down , open her up for light ull be good


New Member
Ok, I moved the plant into a bigger pot yesterday. Here's some new pics: Still hasn't changed at all yet..


I've been using the same Seed starting mix I used when it was little, and using miracle grow for nutes. Could that be my problem for the yellow leaves and droopiness?


Well-Known Member
last time i transplanted it took 1-2days too until they looked happy again. maybe wait a bit more. the roots Need to check out the new Environment and grow into the new soil

big bud 56

Active Member
Yeah,here's an idea,stop giving it miracle gro and start giving your plant the tight nutes.
Buy a three part nute program specifically designed for each stage of your plants cycle.
You will learn from trial and error just like everyone else.
Your plant will give you some good buds if you feed it right and give it the right amount of light and ventilation.
good luck with your grow,


Well-Known Member
It is not the MG's fault....

How much are you feeding it and how often?

What are the NPK values on the MG fert?


New Member
Yeah I watered it until there was runoff in the bottom, checked just now and the soil underneath is still moist, top layer is only layer thats dry. The MG is 20-20-20 "all purpose plant food". Fed it again today with MG, --pouring it in at the base of the plant, didn't look better or worse throughtout the day....really interested mostly if this plant will die or not...

Bottom/larger leaves are very dry/ yellow splotches...some breaking apart when touched