Is The Problem With Social Security That We May Have To Cash Out Treasury Notes?


Well-Known Member
Listening to NPR today I am listening to the debate about what we should do to get a budget and I believe the root problem with Social Security is that it may have to cash out some of the Debt Social security has bought over the years.

So all this cut social security is about keeping it from asking for the cash that has been invested over the years.
So as long as Social Security is buying debt and not needing to ask for that cash back then that is good.
That we would want some of that money back by cashing the Notes because we need it for the program is the actual problem they are bitching about.

Did anyone come up with a different point of view?


Active Member
Social Security is an investor funded program that has also been used to fund the government, it is NOT an entitlement program nor was it intended to be any form of welfare. The “entitlement” the government speaks of would be more aptly applied to them; they feeling they are entitled to avail themselves of our investments and use that money for whatever they choose to.

A long coveted cut to Social Security and Medicare is going to happen. This will occur for reasons none of the politicians in the District of Criminals will ever speak about publicly. There is far more at stake here than what the District terms an “unfunded liability”. When you hear those in the District speak about this liability, you need to understand what they are really saying. This is an intra-governmental debt, meaning; a debt accrued within the government. It is a liability to the federal government because it is owed to “you” and they have no way of paying it back without taxing you more heavily. You are the “full faith and credit” of the United States corporation. That means government runs up the bills and we pay it.


Well-Known Member
So in short the problem is we may need them to pay Social Security back what it has borrowed.
Is that what you said "TheDemocrat"


Well-Known Member
Their are more old people living longer and living costs have risen and so have medical costs, what is taken in in reciepts from working people is not enough to cover the programs administration costs plus pay benefits to all eligible reciepents.


Active Member
So in short the problem is we may need them to pay Social Security back what it has borrowed.
Is that what you said "TheDemocrat"
yes...Al Gore said we should put the surplus in a lock box and everyone made fun of him....


Well-Known Member
yes...Al Gore said we should put the surplus in a lock box and everyone made fun of him....
So We need not just a separation of Church and State but a Separation of Private Bank and Public Wealth?

Edit-- I would also add a prison visiting room like experience when talking to lobbyists.
No touching or feeding just a conversation that is recorded for the review of the people and by the people.
Just pick up the phone and lobby.