Is the same plant dying again?


Active Member
So a few of you might remember me from a few weeks ago, when I thought I had killed my plant. Consensus was that it was most likely dead; what I did was lop off the entire top portion of the plant, leaving only one set of leaves before the decapitated part. The result is a bifurcated (or Y-shaped) plant with two separate stalks, each of which were showing signs of being about to flower. This is one mighty plant - it's been through hell and came out strong AS hell.

But since I changed the solution to the flowering mix, things have not gone very well. The leaves started showing signs of either nutrient burn or too much heat - little brown specks surrounded by yellow - and I turned up the fans and trimmed the leaves (there were way too many leaves and not enough sunlight getting to the buds). Three days ago it was stoked - standing straight up like it was stretching - even though there were those spots on the leaves - and two days ago I trimmed it up. And today - well, the pictures speak for themselves.

I'm thinking I'm going to move the light up some more, even though there's already a good two feet between the top of the plant and the light, and change the solution to pure water. Does that sound like a good idea to you guys?

Also, if the setup matters: The plant is in a bucket filled with solution; inside there is an airstone (like in aquariums) to keep the roots oxygenated. The top of the bucket is covered with tin foil to keep the light from getting to the roots. The light is high pressure sodium.


what are your temps? whats your ph and ppm? ho close is the light to your plants and what what is it? and dont use tinfoil it creats hotspots. and if you ust use the dull side. dont do any more trimming. also what is the temp in your rez? and could you post afew picks of your roots?


Active Member
The color of the plant seems ok. Are the leaftips brittle or supple, brittle tips indicate overfert. And checking the root temp is a good idea. Look for nice bright white roots with plenty of fuzzy feeder roots. Have you ever used this peticular set up with the same strain. Just some things to ponder, good luck cuz we need all the good ganja we can get.


Active Member
what are your temps? whats your ph and ppm? ho close is the light to your plants and what what is it? and dont use tinfoil it creats hotspots. and if you ust use the dull side. dont do any more trimming. also what is the temp in your rez? and could you post afew picks of your roots?
Well well! I'm really glad you asked to see pictures of the roots! It turns out that in one week this plant drank up over three gallons of solution! It was bone dry in that bucket!!!

Problem rectified - thanks for the time!


Active Member
But while I'm at it, let me ask you guys this. It's about time now that I should start seeing some buds in the next week or so. I put in straight water for now - do you think it's too early for that, or should I be fine?


Active Member
With a set up like that you can use nutes up to 3 weeks before harvest, but due to the lack of watter and stress ,I would give it a weak b vitamin solution to help get it back on its feet and when its looking good again, go full strength.


good advice on the b but i would advise dude not to add any more nutes untill she picks up again imean looks better do you have any superthrive


your light cycle 12 hours on 12 hours off thats what you need to be on in order to bud out your plants


Active Member
Also, and I know this is a very bad sign, but the roots were totally getting brownish. Not all the way, but most of the way - like 80%. Does this mean the roots are dead or is there still some hope?


Active Member
I think I'll give it a day or two to see if it picks up first, thank you very much! =) WAY too much emotional investment... this plant is my first and it's my baby. Maybe if I had a warehouse full of them!