Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Unfortunately, I think it was c2g who called it some pages back. To disprove the Earth is flat and at the center of the universe with the Sun revolving around it goes against certain faiths.

No amount of science can challenge the faith of a fundamentalist.
He's not remotely trying to understand. He's given examples and flat out ignores them, goes on to another twist, then later he posts another pic and sez it disproves an earlier point; without showing proof. He's here to merely argue and does not demonstrate good faith
Unfortunately, I think it was c2g who called it some pages back. To disprove the Earth is flat and at the center of the universe with the Sun revolving around it goes against certain faiths.

No amount of science can challenge the faith of a fundamentalist.

You explained your religion of scientism quite well, thanks.
"Eratosthenes's math works just as good in the flat earth model if the sun were 3000 miles away. "

Prove it. Show your work please!
Most of the oh-wow flat earth "proofs" go "poof" when one realizes that the phenomena being discussed are the consequence of the properties of a triangle.

If your interlocutor and you do not agree on the rudiments, like plane geometry, all effort at having a discussion is wasted.

need "Bro do you even triangle" meme

Most of the oh-wow flat earth "proofs" go "poof" when one realizes that the phenomena being discussed are the consequence of the properties of a triangle.

If your interlocutor and you do not agree on the rudiments, like plane geometry, all effort at having a discussion is wasted.

need "Bro do you even triangle" meme

Awesome idea. I'm on board.

So whats the point of it all? Who are the ones trying to fool us and why are they attempting? So if we all believe the world is round but its really flat, who stands to gain anything from this conspiracy theory? Just to point the finger and lol? smh gtfo here with this bullshit man.

What if, I'll call them The Authority, who own the banks that own all the media and text book companies and scholarly magazines and positions of power at Universities were a Satanic power and wanted to hide the fact that God exists? Nothing easier than sticking a globe in every classroom and insisting everyday in their newspapers, textbooks that the earth is round. With the advent of Television the NASA fraud became possible. Because if people know the earth is flat the logical conclusion is that there is a God. There are buildings in the world today that took centuries to build. So, it is not so far fetched for a nefarious plan of this magnitude to stretch out over 500 years. You may be an atheist I don't know but rest assured that The Authority believes in their god Satin who they worship on Saturday and knows God exists. That would be their motive.
What if, I'll call them The Authority, who own the banks that own all the media and text book companies and scholarly magazines and positions of power at Universities were a Satanic power and wanted to hide the fact that God exists? Nothing easier than sticking a globe in every classroom and insisting everyday in their newspapers, textbooks that the earth is round. With the advent of Television the NASA fraud became possible. Because if people know the earth is flat the logical conclusion is that there is a God. There are buildings in the world today that took centuries to build. So, it is not so far fetched for a nefarious plan of this magnitude to stretch out over 500 years. You may be an atheist I don't know but rest assured that The Authority believes in their god Satin who they worship on Saturday and knows God exists. That would be their motive.
Wow.... You're really fucked in the head man.

Hard core atheist here.
What if, I'll call them The Authority, who own the banks that own all the media and text book companies and scholarly magazines and positions of power at Universities were a Satanic power and wanted to hide the fact that God exists? Nothing easier than sticking a globe in every classroom and insisting everyday in their newspapers, textbooks that the earth is round. With the advent of Television the NASA fraud became possible. Because if people know the earth is flat the logical conclusion is that there is a God. There are buildings in the world today that took centuries to build. So, it is not so far fetched for a nefarious plan of this magnitude to stretch out over 500 years. You may be an atheist I don't know but rest assured that The Authority believes in their god Satin who they worship on Saturday and knows God exists. That would be their motive.

The great thing about science is that it can be tested, even by you. That you lack the knowledge to understand what it is you're trying to/incapable of testing doesn't negate the principle. Every scientist on the planet would have to be a co-conspirator in this Satanic cult you're describing.

Also, I thought Jews owned everything. Now all Jews are Satanists? So full of wow.
Awesome idea. I'm on board.

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I'm not fond of the triangle due to it's esoteric overtones. But yes here ya go

You have probably noticed that the rays of the sun spread out at angles, if the sunlight were coming from 93 million miles away the suns rays would be straight lines. Here is the math proving the Sun's distance using Pithagoreus's own petard to hang him with.

On March 21-22 the sun is directly overhead at the equator and appears
45 degrees above the horizon at 45 degrees north and south latitude. As
the angle of sun above the earth at the equator is 90 degrees while it is
45 degrees at 45 degrees north or south latitude, it follows that the angle
at the sun between the vertical from the horizon and the line from the
observers at 45 degrees north and south must also be 45 degrees. The result
is two right angled triangles with legs of equal length. The distance between
the equator and the points at 45 degrees north or south is approximately 3,000
miles. Ergo, the sun would be an equal distance above the equator.

Using the values 50 degrees and 60 degrees as measured on the trip, with
b=1000 miles, we find that h is approximately 2000 miles. This relatively close
sun would have been quite plausible to the ancients.

Continuing the calculation, we find that a is approximately 2400 miles and the two
distances R1 and R2 are approximately 3000 and 3900 miles, respectively. -Thomas Winship

Notice the localized hotspot from the sun? This is not possible from a sun that's 93 million miles away.traingle.png hotspot.jpg
The great thing about science is that it can be tested, even by you. That you lack the knowledge to understand what it is you're trying to/incapable of testing doesn't negate the principle. Every scientist on the planet would have to be a co-conspirator in this Satanic cult you're describing.

Also, I thought Jews owned everything. Now all Jews are Satanists? So full of wow.

Did I say Jews were satanist?
Did I say Jews were satanist?


If you bother checking you will find that the stock ownership is majority owned by banks and other large corporate entities, like Goldman sacks--CEO Lloyd Blankfein--Jew

The star of David is clearly a hexagram as in HEX as in black magic. The star of Rimfan ie Lucifer. Convert? Sorry no thanks.

And again, by referring to 'the Authority':

What if, I'll call them The Authority, who own the banks that own all the media and text book companies and scholarly magazines and positions of power at Universities were a Satanic power and wanted to hide the fact that God exists? ... You may be an atheist I don't know but rest assured that The Authority believes in their god Satin who they worship on Saturday and knows God exists. That would be their motive.

I get it, you're a fundamentalist Christian. I don't swim in that soup.
Sammy Davis Jr. was a Satanist and a Jew in his own words. In his autobiography he states he got laid a lot with the satanism thing.
He also stated, ''nobody has it worse than a black Jew comedian or something to that effect.''
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