Share as you, stop dodging the question Abe
How stupid mellow man issmack my bitch up, I like the tinfoil bowlers hat! what you fellers talkin bout up in here?
if you were my bitch id smack you.. right on the ass.. hard.Yes! Smack my bitch up!
Yesterday you insisted that you were a race, creed and a few other things.
I'm asking you a question have you ever seen a shooting star flying at an upward angle from your perspective?
Again, the hate speech from one person isn't representative on an entire race, religion, gender, creed, ...
No it shouldn't. Just stop being automatically defensive and actually think about the answer you were given. You don't strike me as unintelligent, actually, I think you're being willfully dense. Stubbornness is not an attractive trait.Right a meteor should blast by the earth at all different angles if we are a ball in space, the ones that don;t enter our atmosphere at least.
smack my bitch up, I like the tinfoil bowlers hat! what you fellers talkin bout up in here?
If we were a plate floating in space what keeps us from flipping over? If an asteroid smacked the fuck outta us, we would flip the fuck over.We never see a meteor or a comet going by at a downward angle, as we should if we are a ball floating in the infinite vacuum of space.
Shit, I wish I was your bitch!if you were my bitch id smack you.. right on the ass.. hard.
We never see a meteor or a comet going by at a downward angle, as we should if we are a ball floating in the infinite vacuum of space.
This is what makes me laugh at all fundies. They refute the science all while doing it on a device that was made entirely out of scientific advancement. We would not even be able to talk shit to this idiot if it wasn't for science. We can create mobile devices, computers, Internet, flat screen tvs, yet we are too stupid to know anything else???? Get the fuck outta here man
Shit, I wish I was your bitch!
Nice try, flipping the photo upside down lol.
im pretty sure everyone but you is sitting there, smoking weed and laughing at youIt's like the movie they live, they are fighting to hold onto their illusions tooth and nail.
If we were a plate floating in space what keeps us from flipping over? If an asteroid smacked the fuck outta us, we would flip the fuck over.
Is this not a major contradiction of the question you were just asking, or have I woefully misunderstood something?? Weren't you asking why we only ever see them falling downwards?Nice try, flipping the photo upside down lol.
Nice try, flipping the photo upside down lol.
bottom left of the picture man, tree top.. you lose!Nice try, flipping the photo upside down lol.