Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I bet that chick doesn't even exist. Remember the other one? He'd cook fat dinners and post pics of his dog. I thought he was just cooking for him and his dog, he says there was some girl that had the same name as the dog..Idk it's confusing shit...Ledankstear is a complex muthafucker. He Also Might Be into beastiality.
I bet that chick doesn't even exist. Remember the other one? He'd cook fat dinners and post pics of his dog. I thought he was just cooking for him and his dog, he says there was some girl that had the same name as the dog..Idk it's confusing shit...Ledankstear is a complex muthafucker. He Also Might Be into beastiality.
Did you notice how all of his internet girlfriends make the exact same typos and spelling/grammar errors that he does? Weird, huh?

tectonic movement still occurs

what does the other side look like?
don't know, what does dark matter look like?

how does gravity work on a disc?
gravity is explained by density. The weight of our atmosphere pushes us and anything more dense than it's self down.

is it spinning? if you're closer to the outside do you spin faster or get whipped away into space?
not spinning.

if i stand in the center will the earth be revolving around me?
not spinning

how does the weather work on a flat earth? how do the oceans keep the water from flowing right over the edge?
there is no edge, just a boundary where the Suns heat fails to keep the water from solidifying to ice. Past this point is ice.

is there really a man on the moon?
no, nor has there ever been.

First off all, what a cluster fuck of quotes! My mind wouldn't let me click reply without fixing them, and now I know how to quote within quotes, how useful.

Is the sun also flat? Does it project it's energy unidirectionally, like an LED, or would it's energy be projected in all directions from a single point?

Do the sun and moon move? If " we" are not spinning, they must move. What causes their movement? How do tides work on this flat earth?

So many more questions about the boundary of ice, and of course, gravity. Gravity is a force. F=ma. If gravity is explained by density, and density is m/v, and there " is no edge " then v is infinite, and gravity is infinite, and we just collapse into a black hole.

At least the thought experiments are amusing.
She's a Filipino migrant worker living in Qatar(!), sending her dollar home to her kid the Philippines. An American dude she meets on the internet is totally in to her and agrees to ship her over to the US and pay all her living costs. Not a scam, a no-brainer.
For real I would even take him up on that offer. Lol, I'm not the cheapest date though he'd be buying me rib-eye steak, salmon and all would be worth it I can send all my money home to my wife and kid then take trips home for a month or two at a time and fuck my wife so not to be all the way gay.... bongsmilie:lol:

Great deal on the womans part but a fucking retard move on his part IMO.
Saying "earth is flat" is very vague.

I like to say that the earth is a PLANE that does not move. All the stars revolve around US

There is infact a dome over our atmosphere.

NASA is full of shit. Just another branch of MILATARY that's curropt with FreeMasons astronauts.


Look into the United Nations logo. It's clearly a map of the flat earth
For the people who believe in a globe answer me this:

1) If we are infact a globe that is spinning at speeds of 1000mph and orbiting the sun at 67000mph then how the hell are all the stars and constellations at the same spot time and time again?

Too hard? Ok

2) if we are a globe then why is there no one way flights anywHere in the Southern Hemisphere? Try finding a one way flight from Brazil to Australia ? Or vice versa
For the people who believe in a globe answer me this:

1) If we are infact a globe that is spinning at speeds of 1000mph and orbiting the sun at 67000mph then how the hell are all the stars and constellations at the same spot time and time again?

Too hard? Ok

2) if we are a globe then why is there no one way flights anywHere in the Southern Hemisphere? Try finding a one way flight from Brazil to Australia ? Or vice versa
look at a constellation right when the stars come out.. then look at the same one around 5am. id put money on it not being in the same spot
For the people who believe in a globe answer me this:

1) If we are infact a globe that is spinning at speeds of 1000mph and orbiting the sun at 67000mph then how the hell are all the stars and constellations at the same spot time and time again?

Too hard? Ok

2) if we are a globe then why is there no one way flights anywHere in the Southern Hemisphere? Try finding a one way flight from Brazil to Australia ? Or vice versa

You convinced me. Now I am voting for Trump!
look at a constellation right when the stars come out.. then look at the same one around 5am. id put money on it not being in the same spot
Sure the revolve around us in counter clockwise motion. But you completely disregarded my statement about the globe spinning?

Is we are teaveling so fast how can we even see them in the first place ?
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