Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing about a flat earth, show me one example...Even if a particular idiot is arguing in support of the 'Flat Earth' theory? I would.
I'm not arguing about a flat earth, show me one example...Even if a particular idiot is arguing in support of the 'Flat Earth' theory? I would.
I'm not arguing about a flat earth, show me one example.
I understand sorry, I though't it was directed at me because I seem to be getting attention even though nasa and some of the astrophysicist community is taking flack because of misconceptions. People are preprogrammed into thinking they live on a perfect sphere. Let me guess you had a globe in school or in your home now. Its wrong.I wasn't talking about you, I was asking you.
I understand sorry, I though't it was directed at me because I seem to be getting attention even though nasa and some of the astrophysicist community is taking flack because of misconceptions. People are preprogrammed into thinking they live on a perfect sphere. Let me guess you had a globe in school or in your home now. Its wrong.
Can your son catch a fish and understand the circle of life? If he didn't catch the fish and just ate it, would he appreciate the same. Do they teach you about taking a life in school? Its been a while but I don't ever recall that subject.I like Minute Physics. It relays simple factual information that my son could easily understand at age seven. I'm hoping that it may have a similar effect in this thread...
I already did it, I made some owlsSomeone needs a hobby. Try macrame
Finish with.. Penis
If I did that they would like it too much.Finish with.. Penis
Wrong. It would eventually round it off, ask cannibineer if you don't believe me. Micro meterites make craters inside craters inside craters all the way down to microscopic levels. Earths atmosphere protects it, thus retaining its shape (spheroid). You obviously wont look it up. Your argument is about a fake picture of earth. What took that picture?
Acknowledgement does not necessarily equal understanding.It's not a matter of understanding facts. They acknowledge them. The problem is delusion and what a person goes thru to protect it. It's amazing and I'm sure exhausting and alienating.
I disagree. The say they acknowledge the facts, but then present them distorted into being wrong or even ridiculous.It's not a matter of understanding facts. They acknowledge them. The problem is delusion and what a person goes thru to protect it. It's amazing and I'm sure exhausting and alienating.
Acknowledgement does not necessarily equal understanding.
Acknowledging Fourier Series does not mean you can apply themBut they do. This isn't a matter of too few grey matter cells. It's a fundamental OCD-like scenario