Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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So you lose an argument in one thread so you decide to spout shit on another? Very two year old of you Buck!!! Did your wife not take you to daycare today? Do you need a new diapey?

i lost an argument? on the internet?

i believe my argument was that you are on disability and complaining about people who don't work.
Sure they may have a tat, if they were interned. The Jews declared war on Germany. That doesn't mean there was a systematic plan to exterminate 6 million of them and only a few hundred thousand died god rest their poor souls. The carpet bombing did in the supply lines so they starved along with the other internees. USA interned Japanese Americans for the same reason.
Really? Hmm, never knew that. How big was the Jewish army? Navy? How many planes and bombers? Artillery? Any famous battles? Where was the Jewish HQ?
i lost an argument? on the internet?

i believe my argument was that you are on disability and complaining about people who don't work.
No, pay attention now... The question was why are you voting for a lying, racist, bigot hypocrite? Can you not just simply answer the fucking question? It's too much for you isn't it? It's almost nap time right?

It must be nap time
No, pay attention now... The question was why are you voting for a lying, racist, bigot hypocrite?

i already told you that i don't plan on voting for trump.

i hope answering that for a second time will clear it up for you.

you can now get back to complaining about people who don't work while waiting on your federal disability check.
Did you even bother to watch the video? no, you are plain Ignorant... pre-1944 there were 12 million Jews, half of which were Zionists, post 1944 there are 6 million Jews left after the Holocaust which are the Zionists. Welcome to Zionism Buck.

i bet you have told more than a few people that you don't hate jews, just zionism. bet it comes up all the time with you.

do people often laugh nervously around you at parties before walking away?
No, pay attention now... The question was why are you voting for a lying, racist, bigot hypocrite? Can you not just simply answer the fucking question? It's too much for you isn't it? It's almost nap time right?

It must be nap time
You haven't seen any Trump rallies? Where people get punched?

Stop deflecting, I know you're young and ignorant and just plain stupid but why are you voting for Liarhly? ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!!! Stop deflecting you dumb fuck!!!

you misspelled hillary.

i am voting for hillary because she is the most qualified candidate. she has executive experience, massive foreign policy bonafides, and a positive centrist platform.

also, the alternative, who you plan to vote for, is a well known racist and the biggest liar of any presidential candidate who has ever run for office. he won't even release his tax returns and has said that "laziness is a trait in the blacks". so obviously i am not going to vote for that guy, even though you plan to vote for him.
You haven't seen any Trump rallies? Where people get punched?


don't worry, they arrested the black guy that got sucker punched right after.


trump generously offered to pay the white man's legal fees.

I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks - donald trump


yep, the good ol' days. where those disruptive blacks whining for their precious civil rights would get carried out on stretchers.
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