Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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2. The horizon and ships: This is a matter of perspective. Next time you go to an open flat place, watch a car disappear over the horizon, first the tires will disappear then the bumper then the roof. Watch a car appear, first the roof will appear and so on down.
It has not gone over the horizon when it disappears just out of vision. Binoculars will bring it back into vision. See the pattern on the floor, it disappears first


What possible reason would I be a troll? Getting called vile names from people who get freaked out when they see the obvious truth isn't exactly what I call fun.
What possible reason would I be a troll? Getting called vile names from people who get freaked out when they see the obvious truth isn't exactly what I call fun.

Of course it's fun for you, why else would you do it? I think you only have one of your socks that is on your side, and you're not one millimeter closer to convincing anyone of anything. It seems that negative attention is better than no attention at all...
Out of the volumes of retarded shit you've posted, this takes the cake. Not even you could believe this. The sun lights up our entire solar system (we can see the sun light the planets with telescopes), but it couldn't light up the plane of a flat earth? You'd have to have zero spacial reasoning skills. Please don't drive...

Please go to 15:25 of this video and tell me why the sun's light appears localized and dim's locally.

What would it matter? You'll simply say it's bullshit, and give some inane reason that any 4th grader could see through as to why I'm wrong. That's been your pattern the entire thread...

You said yesterday that gravity acts differently on bigger objects, that is why insects can fly and why humans are not crushed by a gravity strong enough to hold in the oceans that go miles deep and thousands of miles across. This was completely disproved by the fact that a 737 which weighs 1/7 of a 777. The 777 has only 7 times the thrust of the 737. Shouldn't it have to have more thrust quantitatively due to it's weight being 7 times more than the 737? If gravity affects larger objects more intensely? I understand why you get pissed and call me names, because you are getting schooled. BTW why don't you read Newton's treatise on gravity. The word IF is in their about a million times.
Can somebody please explain why the moon does not appear to rotate? We always see the same side of the moon. Why is that? I think it's very strange. I don't have any answers for that.

google is your friend

Well you done good, it's not CGI. It appears to be a grey blue ballon with Christmas tree flocking or icing for clouds. Shot against a black screen. Where are the stars? These fraudsters really should put more effort into these things. Maybe they realize just how gullible the public is.
You said yesterday that gravity acts differently on bigger objects, that is why insects can fly and why humans are not crushed by a gravity strong enough to hold in the oceans that go miles deep and thousands of miles across. This was completely disproved by the fact that a 737 which weighs 1/7 of a 777. The 777 has only 7 times the thrust of the 737. Shouldn't it have to have more thrust quantitatively due to it's weight being 7 times more than the 737? If gravity affects larger objects more intensely? I understand why you get pissed and call me names, because you are getting schooled. BTW why don't you read Newton's treatise on gravity. The word IF is in their about a million times.

Awesome. Thanks for proving my point for me: if something is 7 times as big and has 7 times the thrust, that would make it proportional to the smaller plane. 7 times 1/7 equals 1. So it's a one to one ratio. What uni gave you that bachelor's again? I'm bringing a class action suit against them. I've read Newton's stuff on gravity, Einstein's general theory of relativity overturned his theory, but please don't try to absorb that, who knows what could happen. Plus, gravity doesn't exist, so those fools were wasting their lives, right? School's back in session, go take a potty break...
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Well you done good, it's not CGI. It appears to be a grey blue ballon with Christmas tree flocking or icing for clouds. Shot against a black screen. Where are the stars? These fraudsters really should put more effort into these things. Maybe they realize just how gullible the public is.
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