I apologize for my bad writing although in person i am better I didnt get the chance to go to school this is all self taught , reading and writing i still use my fingers to count once in a while does that make me a bad person ????
i farmed 8 hrs away from any school source as a kid but i do have my grade 12 online diploma

not that i need it i owner of family farm over 600 hectares bout 200 is living soil other is chem
0 owing i also do 500 plant mj grow in 536,000 sq feet lol again do want to be to greedy imagine 2 3 millon plants in 600 hectare grow ??? but anyways
But again,,,, I like to thank you for trying to insult me even more.. when you do not even know me
Some of the Dumbest people in the world are also some of the richest in the world
how did that work out ???
No bodies perfect everyone had good and bad qualities..
but what i can say is i am self sustaining meaning all meat dairy products wheat soya sheep
i am in control of i even make bio diesal for tractot and combine , have some solat powet just need bigger storage batteries ,,
So the answer is are you self sustaining ??? if tommorow the stores had no food or banks had no money can or will your family survive ??? if you cannot then who is the real dummy here
Just think that hammer is getting closer to your head well done