Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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Didn't read much of this , but its simple imagine yourself walking a a small ball , there would be no flatness , but if you walk on a really big ball you would never see a curve in the horizon.
Now imagine taking flight on said 1000mph spinning ball and landing on a straightaway LMAO.
You only accounted for latitude and longitude. The only thing rotating is the sky.

Heck, even long range shooters must account for the rotation of the earth. I believe it's called the corealis effect? You shoot at something a mile or more away, if you don't account for the rotation of the earth (as well as several other factors ) you will miss.

I'm not going to try to persuade you. My grandpa on my dad's side died believing that the earth is flat and the moon landings were fake.
Heck, even long range shooters must account for the rotation of the earth. I believe it's called the corealis effect? You shoot at something a mile or more away, if you don't account for the rotation of the earth (as well as several other factors ) you will miss.

I'm not going to try to persuade you. My grandpa on my dad's side died believing that the earth is flat and the moon landings were fake.
A bullet travelling for seconds has to account for something never calculated into flight paths of airliners or landing strips? Ridiculous.
That's the effect yes. But your claim is based on this.
" The claim is made that in the Falklands in WW I, the British failed to correct their sights for the southern hemisphere, and so missed their targets. John Edensor Littlewood (1953)."
Hilarious how people just recite and report a claim made by a failure 60+ years ago. Still your effect fails to be demonstrated at airports or by skydivers. But, if a general blames his miscalculation on an imaginary variable, that's concrete evidence to the contrary?
sooo evolution doesnt exist? and were in some truman like dome while some god like creature watches us. and the illuminatti are keeping it all underwraps..... did i miss how bigfoot is involved, he shot jfk right.
i tried looking into this shit but to many blast in their religious fundamentalisim, and claim it as scientific fact.
so what are we waking up from, whats the reasoning and why the hell does it make a difference if we only live for 80 years? what have you gained from your knowledge?
every video on youtube on this shit only asks questions, then replys to its own question not with an answer but a statement like see this is proof with no actual reference to what the fuck their point is.
the only true facts is we really dont know shit about anything, what we know is constantly changing too our enviroment.
go to antartica and prove your theory if you believe in it so much
sooo evolution doesnt exist? and were in some truman like dome while some god like creature watches us. and the illuminatti are keeping it all underwraps..... did i miss how bigfoot is involved, he shot jfk right.
i tried looking into this shit but to many blast in their religious fundamentalisim, and claim it as scientific fact.
so what are we waking up from, whats the reasoning and why the hell does it make a difference if we only live for 80 years? what have you gained from your knowledge?
every video on youtube on this shit only asks questions, then replys to its own question not with an answer but a statement like see this is proof with no actual reference to what the fuck their point is.
the only true facts is we really dont know shit about anything, what we know is constantly changing too our enviroment.
go to antartica and prove your theory if you believe in it so much
I understand your frustration. No, there is no dome above us, but the vanishing point will give this illusion and lead to that false conclusion.
We live on a flat earth.
Our governments do not represent us (the majority) and never have.
Science is a process of investigation, the scientific establishment is a monopoly on that information.
Nasa is an extension of military.
There are NO laws or have there ever been, that require our authority's to tell truth to us. It is our faith in their morality, which keeps their position over us. The every day working person is too busy with the mundane to lift his head up look around and ask questions. So we fall back to the crux of our established authority's to answer these questions for us. Not wanting to be labelled or ostracized by societal peer pressure, a person conforms.
But ask yourself who sets, what is societal norms? Infact what actually IS society? I know the answer but it is abitter pill to swallow. We were meant to live nomadically, free to cultivate our own lands. Society is a mechanism of control over us. Societal 'norms' are made by the media. Our education is given to us from our schools.Schools and the educational system are governmental instruments. Culture, colour,race,sex,age are just some of the angles that are exploited to divide us psychologically from each other. Division and conquer was a strategy used before the term was ever written in a book. Our histories ARE A FABRICATION.
We are indoctrinated to belive we need society, we don't fucking NEED society, society is mental illness. Society is keeping up with the jonese, survival of the wealthiest, dog eat dog. We NEED peace and to love our neighbour not a Toyota Yaris because its economical when driving into the city to meet your chums for a wine spritzer.Lol
But knowing this and wanting positive change does not mean that I want to go back to the stone age.

So with an antenna height of 5 1/2 feet above the ground and assuming there are no obstructions and the ground between you and the horizon is perfectly flat, then it is 2.9 miles before the curvature of the Earth starts to take effect on your signal strength at the level of the horizon! It does not account for any higher angle radiation coming from your antenna that may be "seen" by a much taller antenna such as on a tall tower standing beyond the horizon. It acts much like you were aiming a laser beam or spot light toward the horizon rather than a radio wave. The result is like a straight and level line from your antenna to the start of the curvature of the Earth.

At any distance beyond that 2.9 miles, your signal is attenuated rapidly due to the Earth being in the way of your signal. Again, this is assuming that the "other" station antenna is "below" the horizon from your.

Click the "Clear" button to start over if you make a mistake or if you want to do other height calculations...have fun!

"Wait a minute, I'm not sure I understand! I can hit a repeater 10 miles away with my can this be if I am holding my HT at the 5 1/2 foot level standing on the ground in my front yard?"

Just remember that if your antenna IS in fact at 5 1/2 feet, then a repeater antenna may be at 50 to 1000 feet or more above the flat ground beyond the horizon! The much higher repeater antenna increases the line of sight distance between your "station" and the repeater antenna tremendously! This is because it "sees" over your horizon in your direction from it.

I suggest anyone that has doubts about the earth being round, to test it out for themselves. Do the observations, do the math, do the science and you'll have a conclusion you can trust 100%. The earth is right under your feet and you can actually go outside and measure it instead of doing your research on the internet. If you're not willing to do this simple experiment, calculate using basic geometry and interpret the results I wouldn't consider you to be genuinely interested in the matter at all.
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