Well-Known Member
I said I had a law degree, I didn't say I had an account with Lexus Nexus.
That's right. And it's clear to everyone that you don't. Just admit it. Lift the burden.
I said I had a law degree, I didn't say I had an account with Lexus Nexus.
Spoken like a good little dare I say it? Ok, spoken like a good little slave.
you mean hate speech laws?
i certainly support laws against hate speech.
it is illegal for me to scream "fire" in a crowded theater or shout "bomb" on an airplane because it would put lives in danger.
fighting words are not protected speech either.
i view your anti-semitic hate speech in exactly the same light. if you walk up to me and start trying to tell me that my family is lying to me about the tattoos that the nazis gave them, well, you're probably going to be in danger.
so for your own sake and safety, i support hate speech laws which prohibit fetid cumfarts like you from spewing your vitriol. and the reason why i support them is because i don't want to see you get leveled because you provoke someone.
nah, go ahead and call me a jew as a hateful bigoted slur. such words are deemed fighting words and are not protected by the first amendment. it's basically like you throwing the first punch. gives me a good excuse to show you how superior us jews are to shitheads like you.
you should post a picture of yourself. just so we can see how overweight and neckbearded you are.
What vitriol? Since when is speaking out against oppression vitriol? Your mind is totally warped dude and it's sort of sad that you don;t even realize it. I can imagine the Royalists calling the patriots spewers of vitriol as I sit here. Sad, so very sad.
Fighting words are another positive law to silence free speech. See how it works people?
No I understand, you really are a paid troll. Something I have long suspected but am now sure of.
Let's see, the man took his country off the international so called federal reserve system and reserved the power of making money out of thin air to the German people and not foreign banks, He turned his economy around from where German girls were forced to sell their bodies to prosperity in less than 3 years. I've never seen a politician do anything like that before. That is why his country was attacked by France and England they could not allow somebody to go off the reservation. So yes, I am a fan of Hitler.
I adore the man.
nah, go ahead and call me a jew as a hateful bigoted slur. such words are deemed fighting words and are not protected by the first amendment. it's basically like you throwing the first punch. gives me a good excuse to show you how superior us jews are to shitheads like you.
you should post a picture of yourself. just so we can see how overweight and neckbearded you are.
Your such a good house N........
''gives me a good excuse to show you how superior us jews are to shitheads like you.''
You see guys, that is the problem with the ''Jewish Master Race.'' They think we are inferior animal like beings in the shape of humans, that makes it ok to enslave us.
These quotes are from their holy book "The Talmud"
"You are Adam ["man"], but goyim [gentiles] are not called Adam ["man"]." Kerithoth 6b
"The seed of the goyim is like an animal." Sanhedrin 74b
"All Gentile children are animals." Yebamoth 98a
"The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft." Kiddushin 66c The uncensored version of this text appears in Tractate Soferim (New York, M. Higer, 1937), 15:7, p. 282. "The best of the gentiles should all be killed" ( From the original Hebrew of the Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopedia published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, 'Gentile,' (p. 617).
well, i don't know about other people.
but you certainly are inferior.
If you still believe 911 was done by 19 cavemen there is no hope for you.
I AM AN ANTISEMITE what of it?
You might for one minute just consider the possibility that you have been indoctrinated. Since a child you have been told constantly that the earth is round and that Hitler was a monster. Millions of times you ahve been told this but with no evidence to prove it. Just cgi animations and hateful movies written by the enemies of Hitler and real science.
You might for one minute just consider the possibility that you have been indoctrinated. Since a child you have been told constantly that the earth is round and that Hitler was a monster. Millions of times you ahve been told this but with no evidence to prove it. Just cgi animations and hateful movies written by the enemies of Hitler and real science.
I haven't seen UB in a while in this thread, I must of spanked him pretty good.