DR. VonDankenstine
Well-Known Member
The PK 13/14 is great stuff but is geared to be used for one week, two weeks max toward the middle to last part before flushing of your flower cycle-----------There is a lot of products out there-just get something with a fairly high phos/ultra low if any at all nitrogen/ and good potas content----------------------it's actually a flowering nute, I have 2 sets, one veg (a+b), and one flower(a+b).. the label pictured in attachment above is for the flower nutes. both sets spec the same dosage but have different nutrient analysis. the P does seem low I'll chuck in some PK13/14 to suppliment my nutes I guess
I really think your problem is some nitrogen burn with moderate phosphate deficiency and a minor nutrient lockout caused by both----Your original PH was just compounding the problem as well----------I think once you get a balanced flower NPK going things will straiting themselves out(the parts that are damaged will stay that way but the new growth should be fine-------hope all the info has helped---------any other problem fell free to PM or post-a lot of knowledgeable growers on here-------best of luck...