Is There a Dr in the House? Sick Plant w/Curled Upward Leaves


Active Member
I am a new grower (1st time) and just set up my 3 plants under the 400W HPS for the first week of 12/12. The sex characteristics are coming out and it appears to me that my two large (40") babies are boys and my one (30") is a girl. I took pictures of the male’s #1-3 and the female #4.

The plant I believe to be female is the one with the rolled/curled upward leaves. Is this a Magnesium def? It has been like this for months but continues to grow at the same pace as the two others.

I can’t seem to find an answer to why the leaves are rolling up. The other two beauties (Males) are in the same pot, so same light & nutes. I don’t get it.

Can the experts confirm my suspicions from these pixs?
Any opinions or recommendations on this?

Thanks in advance.



sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
yup you need MG. i have found that the plants seem to need more magnesium during veg than in flower. just do a tsp of epson salts or some cal/mag


Active Member
I will try the epsom salts. I wasnt sure if that was a hydro thing or for soil too. Do you know what else are good sources of mag & cal?



Well-Known Member
molasses has magnesium in it as well, but epsom salts work really well and fast, also is very cheap.


Active Member
I've found that terracycle tomato plant food works really well and it has calcium boost. It's made of liquid worm poop and comes in recycled bottles. You can find it aat your local home depot or whatever. I believe it also contains nitrogen.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
only use molasses if your growing in soil. do not use in hydro. if your doing hydro use Cal/Mag. botanicare makes a good supplement that i use. epson salts can also be used in hydro or soil. just watch your ph if your doing hydro with epson salts


Active Member
I am growing in my own soil mixture (40% Peat, 30% manure, 30% Potting Soil). I began this venture by screwing around with a vegetable garden starter kit and rolled with the developments, if you know what I mean.

I have a huge pot, its 22" across, and 18" deep. All the roots grew around each other so I had no choice but to keep them together. When doing work outside of my house I found a plethora of big garden worms, so I added them in with my plants. Now there are about 200 garden worms in there. Aside from a few of them coming to the surface in the dark and with big watering, you wouldn’t know they were there.
Anyone else try garden worms?

Thanks Twisty, SS, Weazle & KAO


Well-Known Member
thats the temps. what are ur temps at the canopy of ur plants i had the same problem last grow. if there above 80-83 raise the lights or cool them better