is there a Marijuana growing sight i can go that doesn't have all the childish bullshit?

Everyone needs to know something about me.

If you don't want to hear the truth about how i feel, then don't ask me a question, or try to contradict what i believe. I always speak with my mind. Always have.
Simply accept we may differ, and leave me alone if we do.
But you are welcome to ask how i'm thinking at any one time.
Just don't expect us to share the same point of view. I can tolerate anyone in this world. I just mightn't respond.
Thats all...

Thanks everybody at RIU.


Everyone needs to know something about me.

If you don't want to hear the truth about how i feel, then don't ask me a question, or try to contradict what i believe. I always speak with my mind. Always have.
Simply accept we may differ, and leave me alone if we do.
But you are welcome to ask how i'm thinking at any one time.
Just don't expect us to share the same point of view. I can tolerate anyone in this world. I just mightn't respond.
Thats all...

Thanks everybody at RIU.


. I've had "keyboard" fights with a few people on here. Doesn't stop me from agreeing with them on another thread.
Even when it can get nasty it usually blows over and its like it didn't happen..... Its the internet....Funny how we can be so open with strangers.
lets see something you've grown.

Are you wanting to compare?
Or would genuinely like to see?

I didn't start keeping photographs until RIU. I never like being in, or taking photographs. Don't like cameras.
I send photographs, then delete them, incase i'm ever caught. It's illegal here, and im considered an addict for growing my own medicine.
Don't have a grow diary here, or at home either. But i do pm friends my grow.

Want to see in a pm?
I think you'll appreciate an experiment iv'e been working on. I always experiment. I never keep a log.
I like to grow as organically as i conveniently can.
This experiment involves honey as well.

Happy to share.
PM me.

That didn’t take long. So much for peaceful songs around the campfire. Thick skin is a good thing on a public forum
Not sure what you are saying? Is anyone right here?

What is your "social status"?
Does it have a name?

BTW you quoted me first. So be ready to cop whatever is coming your way.
I've always had a thick skin.

How about you?

Peace to you.

You sound like you’re looking for an argument. Wow.

“Peace” to you, too

Peace to you friend. Thanks for leaving me alone.

We may disagree to the point we can't bare each others presence.
But at least we can tolerate it.

I noticed you tried the ol' won't say it to my face, but say it behind my back. One side of my family are experts at that. I personally never have been, and consider it being fearful of the persons response.

Quote me, if you want to say something to me, or ask a question.


Peace to you.

Are you wanting to compare?
Or would genuinely like to see?

I didn't start keeping photographs until RIU. I never like being in, or taking photographs. Don't like cameras.
I send photographs, then delete them, incase i'm ever caught. It's illegal here, and im considered an addict for growing my own medicine.
Don't have a grow diary here, or at home either. But i do pm friends my grow.

Want to see in a pm?
I think you'll appreciate an experiment iv'e been working on. I always experiment. I never keep a log.
I like to grow as organically as i conveniently can.
This experiment involves honey as well.

Happy to share.
PM me.

Plz do, and time stamp it so I know you took it.
Plz do, and time stamp it so I know you took it.
How do i time stamp a photo?
I'll take one now if you pm me, and guide me on how.

I still barely know this UI. But love it's simplicity.

Btw i asked you to pm me. I don't have to prove anything.
Do a reverse search.

Pm me.
I am not pm'ing you.
I've already invited you. Don't be shy.
Or rude...

Peace to you.
