Is there a Product similar to Super Soil for sale in the Denver area??

Sorry for the delays, just talked to Rob at Greenhouse Tech and he said it's not quite ready but he's getting close at having some. He's mentioned he is ordering a lot of bulk parts and will have time specific organic soils that are similar to supersoil with his slight changes to it. He's a very knowledgeable guy with some good info to share.
I know of one store in Colorado that has tga supersoil in stock. It's my fave hydro shop in the area, small mom and pop place.
40 bux a pop is too pricey for me. Not sure that I can mention the name of the store or not so I won't.
Its easily found .
How do you not have room to mix soil?

I do it in the garage on a 6'x8' tarp.

I could mix it in my bedroom, living room - I could mix it n the tub.
I cook my soil in 5 gallon buckets stacked in my furnace room.
You can always get it from the source at I have am currently using one of their charger packs plants are looking good.

stay dank