Is there a safe way to operate lights without a delay timer?


Well-Known Member
I'm finally getting my tent set up. We have everything hooked up and I was ready to fire up the lights for the first time last night, and for some reason my new timer delay is not working. I hooked it up to the timer according to the instructions and the light wouldn't come on. Hubby checked it with a plug in outlet tester and it appears to be dead. I'm ordering a replacement tomorrow, but I was really counting on getting everything started this weekend. Is there anything else I can do until I get the new one? Is there anything I can buy from Lowe's that will perform the same function? My power goes out very often and I'm afraid to run the lights without a hot start delay.
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Well-Known Member
I thought you meant a timer, perhaps it's like a timer though and rated to be used upto a certain wattage. The 600w light could have been too much and blown it. Check the packaging for the delay to make sure it doesn't say something like "don't exceed 420W"


Well-Known Member
Well, I figured out the problem with the delay timer....operator error. As it turns out it works perfectly. Just have to wait 15 minutes for it to come on..since it's a delay timer. Sometimes I feel really stupid.

Sal Baretta

Active Member
Ethereal is a little lever on the side of timer where you can set it to run on timer or run all the time have you checked that?


Well-Known Member
with power supply you can't trust

you need to back it up, and be serious about it

even if its just a junky 12vdc on an old car battery

should the main light fail, this little thing would supply enough light

to prevent herming etc plug into your hps timer

for now going manual on the light is no biggy

good luck