Is there a way to make a 1000 watt lamp run on 700 watts only


Well-Known Member
basically i want to reduce the wattage of a 1000 watt lamp so i dont use to much electricity. Basically i dont want to arouse suspicion.


terpenophenolic should get a 600 watt ballast and lamp, if that's what you want..but really running a single 1000 watt lamp is not going to raise "suspicion"..unless you live with your mom....or have room mates...


Well-Known Member
i dont have one, i have two. and lets just say that my situation requires that i reduce the wattage without buying a new lamp. I appreciate your advice, but i know that i can buy a 600 watt, thats what i dont/cant do. i need to know if there is a way to run a 1000 watt light at a lesser wattage. Any electricity nuts please reply


I am an electrician and an electronics technician, and a 1000 watt bulb draws 1000 watts...your ballast prevents it from drawing any more..there is no way to re-wire your 1000 watt ballast to make it draw 700 watts, it won't work, if you want to run less power you need different lights or only run 1 of the 1000 watters....


a better idea would be to replace the capacitor and make the bulb draw less current effectively turning into a 700 watt for example, but then you would be turning your light into a big inefficient really want to do that?