Is there any good nutes from home depot?

I agree. Even their nature's care line looked like a turd wrapped in a shiny new package. I bought some of the nature's care compost and got it home and laughed. It was mainly wood chips. It was the worst looking compost I've ever seen. I gave it to my neighbors. I didn't even want to use it. I went and got Malibus compost the Bu's Blend. Opened it up and noticed the huge difference in quality. Compost shouldn't be 99 percent wood chips. Anyways I make my own compost teas now and stay away from anything with MG on it. I realize some people use it and get great results. However with all the hydro store options for me in California I refuse to shop at depot.

Yeah, same thing here. I even found small electronic parts in with the wood chips. Where the fuck are they getting that crap from?
In MiracleGro's Nature's Care organic line, yes. Stay away from any other MG product when growing cannabis.

I tried that same stuff and it killed my seedlings. One made it to a few weeks before turning yellow and dying. Then switched to FFOF and everything was smooth sailing. Could have been genetics playing a part tho
I tried that same stuff and it killed my seedlings. One made it to a few weeks before turning yellow and dying. Then switched to FFOF and everything was smooth sailing. Could have been genetics playing a part tho
I have had multiple seedlings through it. Never had a single one not germinate or die. Ever.
I have never had any of the problems you two are describing.
I should have taken pics before I gave it away. Sure the bag was only 3.99 but I expected compost. Not wood chips. Just a shame plus we don't need to get into how MG is owned by Scott's which is the biggest supported of Monsanto and we know all about their gmo foods. But that's a whole separate thread. But it's another reason I won't support them. I would rather give my money to the small hydro store and the hand made soil by Fox farms out of a city close to me.
I tried that same stuff and it killed my seedlings. One made it to a few weeks before turning yellow and dying. Then switched to FFOF and everything was smooth sailing. Could have been genetics playing a part tho
The FFOF is an amazing soil. I started blending it with the happy frog and getting amazing results. The mycorrhizae in the happy frog blended with all the nutes in the OF made a good potting soil.
The only reason for the chlorosis here was that I overwatered. My mix is completely organic in soilless, which I believe FoxFarms is not. And the NC potting mix is way less hot than FFOF. So you guys really are just saying stuff without any legitimate experience.

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