Is there any problems?


Well-Known Member
Hmm imo the only thing you can do with that is try and clone the top.

Cut it about 10cm long, trim the bottom fan leaves off, and then clip the top ones so the leaf area is smaller. Do not remove them just clip the ends of the leaves.

Get some cloning gel or powder and stick in rock wool if you got it. Some seedling soil would prob work.

Put under a low wattage bulb for 18/6 - 24/0 hours and anywhere in between.

Roots would take anywhere from 4 to 14 days. Possibly more.

I would also add you should do a bit of basic reading up on growing rather than just posting and taking one persons advice. There is an excellent FAQ which can be found at the top of all RUI pages, i think. (top right corner next to tools). Check it out.

Gl anyway



Well-Known Member
In the time it will take you to fix that plant I could have another, better one growing. You dont even know if its a female. But it could probably be saved, if you want to try anyway. Its ugly tho lol. :peace:


Scrap it and get some Bagseed to play with. That thing was lacking enough light to do it any good, all stretched to death. Do alittle reading here and you will be better off in the long run.


Well-Known Member
lol, i'd leave it at some secluded area by you check maybe 1 or 2 b4 harvest but dont put any real effort in it. save that for the new plants your gonna be starting.....


Well-Known Member
if the cops caught you at your grow site but had no other proof or anything that youve been there b4 and that its your grow if u came out with a pot plant couldnt you just say you were walking your land and you found a pot plant so you pulled it and were gonna the cops and tell them? i dunno...kinda off topic i guess but oh well