Well-Known Member
I was wondering if any seed bank site like nirvana or goldenseed or ya know....accepted PayPal payments (NOT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS). that ship to the United States. uses paypal and they are a good seed bank
^^^^ the person above has had a seeds bank before NGT quality genitics and they used to accept paypal
The feds were called in and the operation was halted before it got off the ground but thats an old tale now that rears its head every so often^^^^ the person above has had a seeds bank before NGT quality genitics and they used to accept paypal
I went to a local supermarket and got a prepaid visa and bought some goods from the attitude seed co. give them a try they a great I think you can call them and everything I did it when I purchased my seeds so look them uphi
ordered my blue moonshine seeds thursday night and i received them today, so im realy impressed by MARIJUANA seeds CANNABIS Seeds GOLDENSEED service and when i sow them ill keep you updated, the only thing that worried me is that the postman said he new what was in my parcel and asked if id sort him outwhen i was up and running, i just played dump which wasnt to hard to do
I was wondering if any seed bank site like nirvana or goldenseed or ya know....accepted PayPal payments (NOT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS). that ship to the United States.
I'd say the prepaid visa or whatever is the best option for buying seeds with a card online if you want that. I personally don't think that you should ever order seeds with paypal/credit card online (espically in the USA) for security reasons. Just my 2 cents though. Peace & Love.