is there any such thing???


Well-Known Member
my MJ plant will not clone no matter what i do is it posable fer a plant to just not clone.. i've used a bubbler,rooting hormone, pH ed water,and still no roots.. the clones are ok looking some leaves turn a bit yellow one bottom after a week or so but then nothing.. i've used a plain glass of water,bubbler and soil.. any one know what to fo about this?
to put it simply
thier are some stains that are extremely resilient to cloning
and some that just simply woulnt
what strain you growin ?
Are you using a humidity dome? Clones need 90%+ humidity to survive the first week or so. Because they lack roots, they need to get their water through the leaves. If its not humid enough, they'll die.

Also, how big is your mother plant, and how big are the cuttings you're trying to clone? When you cut a clone, are you cutting just below a node, and dipping the node into the cloning solution?
no real strain just some bag seed... yes i used a humidity dome.. it's always misty in there too.. my mother plants is about 2ft tall.. and yes i used the powder when i cut below the node.. i used a sterile razor blade(new) and i even did the 2nd cut uner water in order to avoid the air bubble in the stem...
no real strain just some bag seed... yes i used a humidity dome.. it's always misty in there too.. my mother plants is about 2ft tall.. and yes i used the powder when i cut below the node.. i used a sterile razor blade(new) and i even did the 2nd cut uner water in order to avoid the air bubble in the stem...

are the watter droplets large on the inside of the dome ? that indicates lower humidity
aka:the smaller the droplets the higher the humidity