I used to smoke RESO as a younger man, and all I can say is gross. If you have to- go for it- It does something. Something undesired in my opinion- headache- tired, and not to mention you will walk out smelling like a goddamn resin ball. Resin has undoubtedly less THC than the real deal. If you read about how weed smokes you know that it burns at a lower temp than a lighter- hence the vaporizers, so if your lighting it with a lighter you are instantly combusting much of the THC- what happens to trickle into your peice may have a little on it- but not a lot- its mostly the stuff that got away.
Mix lighter fluid and rubbing alchol at about 50%50% and then add in some diswashing granuels or oxyclean powder- pour into plastic container, add piece- let soak 20mins- to forever, then shake- and blast clean water through plenty of times (so it doesnt taste like the rubbin alc) and your piece will have that brand new head shop glaze, works better than the stuff in the shops and is a very impressive clean. I used it to clean my 6 chamber bubbler that had spots inside of it- no man could ever get any tool into- and the little granuels just work there way in and clean it out, beautiful. I will stick with this solution over smoking it- but theres no delievery time for me