is there any way


Well-Known Member
is there any way i can brows the adds that are on rollitup. there was one in particular that had a quick set, portable scrog net.
ive been clicking on and off of riu trying to refresh the adds but i cant FIND IT!!!!!
not sure if i posted this in the rite place
thank you,


Staff member
No there isn't the adds are random on everyone's pages too as far as I'm aware
I may have one company you may have another
Depending on how much coverage they paid for
You may or may not ever see that ad again

Hopefully someone else has seen it enough to know what it is to tell you
I personally have ad blocker


Well-Known Member
No there isn't the adds are random on everyone's pages too as far as I'm aware
I may have one company you may have another
Depending on how much coverage they paid for
You may or may not ever see that ad again

Hopefully someone else has seen it enough to know what it is to tell you
I personally have ad blocker
Lol thank you sunni


Well-Known Member
i thank the both of you for helping me get to the bottom of this. this helps more than it appears.
Thank You,
J.D. :D


Well-Known Member
Sunni ...members can really help out my peeps marrying a Russian Bride...? any room for mail order brides (ads?)