All's I know to do is to find State Senators in the South, like Deborah Dawkins(D), of Pass Christian, Steve Cohen(R) TN, Rand Paul (KY), and etc, and send them e-mails, letters, and phone calls to ask them to get these bills passed to the best of their abilities... I guess that's about all we really can do, other than supporting anti-prohibition organizations like MPP, NORML, SSDP, etc, as well as being part of our local scenes, like coming up on 4-20, there will be a local Memphis activist who is going to go to the Shelby County Courthouse @ 201 Poplar and smoke on the steps, and get arressted in the name of the movement... Im just going to watch and support him, and BOO the pigs when they come out, as they do every 4-20 in Memphis, and then Imo go to Overton Park just East of there, to support the rally and gathering that happens there every year, all the while staying plugged into the movement locally, and trying to get out there and back these folks up, and do what I can to add to our numbers... I guess that's about all that anyone can do anywhere there isn't already a medical bill enacted and in place... And write in Ron Paul for the Rep nominee in November! He will help to stop Federal raids, and also dismantle the DEA, like Kennedy would've done, at least to the point where they will leave us non-violent, easy-going, tax-paying, honest, hard-working AMERICANS ALONE!